{52} Ferris Wheel

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Addie's pov

"We're going to Disney today!" I yell through the hotel room while we're all finishing up breakfast.

"Addie be quiet! we're in a hotel" London whisper yells back to me.
"Don't tell me what to do... I'm so excit-..." I begin to say before tripping on something on the ground as I come crashing to the floor. 

  There's a knock at the door immediately after and one of the girls goes to open while I'm still on the ground.
"You are all make so much noise" Corbyn says laughing as he walks inside while the others following.
"Addie why are you on the floor?" Daniel asks walking over to the couch next to London.
"Oh nothing... just tripped" I say as Zach walks over to me holding out a hand.
"Thanks Zach" I say laughing as I take his hand to stand up.

"Alright... well we should get going" Jonah says as the rest of us follow him out.


"Thank you" I say excitedly as the lady at the front desk hands me my magic band to get into the park.

Everyone else follows until we've finally made it inside. After about 10 minutes of arguing we all decided to head towards the back of the park and ride the roller coasters there first.

I've always loved roller coasters, in Utah there's and amusement park with a bunch of them, and Haley, London and I would get season passes every year.  They hold so many great memories, but I think today, will probably be my favorite.

  "First up... the Rock n Rollercoaster" Daniel says as we all follow each other to the end of the line.  After waiting for a while we finally make it too the front. 
  All ten of us are able to fit in the train together and I get into the row behind Christina, while Zach comes and sits next to me. 

"You excited?" Zach asks noticing the huge smile on my face.
"Of course! Aren't you" I say laughing
"Your so cute"
"I could say the same about you" I say smiling as we are strapped into the ride.

   "This ride features tracks that go upside down, if you experience motion sickness, or do not feel comfortable riding, please tell a ride operator now." I hear the speaker say as it blades into our ears.

"Wait. Did he say this is going upside down" I say panicking as the final people are checked with their seatbelts.
"Ya, or you okay?" Zach asks with concern.
"Ya, ya... totally fine.  I've just never been the best with those types of rides haha" I say nervously laughing at the end.
"It'll be ok, I promise". Zach says with a reassuring smile on his face.

   The ride starts moving and my heart rate quickens, yes I love roller coasters, but ones that I'm not used to, aren't the easiest thing to get on.  Especially if there in doors and pitch black... such as this one. 

   I feel the ride slowly tilt upward as we move up the track, the only thing I can see are neon signs every few feet, as well as the slight outline of Zach next to me. 

   After climbing for a while the ride tilts down and our speed increases causing me to scream as I instantly grab onto Zach's arm.  My whole body eventually fully leans on him as the turns get sharper and sharper.

  Finally after the ride comes to a stop I let go, realizing how hard I was probably squeezing his arm.

"That was fun!" Zach says as all of us have a new sense of energy running through our bodies.
"Hopefully I didn't cut your circulation off" I say laughing as I hop out of the cart following him.  "But definitely that was one of the best roller coasters I've ever been on!"

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