{8} All Ready

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2 weeks later

*Zach's POV*

"That show was crazy!" Corbyn tells us as we were all sitting together on the bus.
"Ya they were so loud it hurt my ears" I say laughing.
"Our fans are awesome!" Jonah says
"Can't believe the next show we have is our last one" Daniel says, making us all a little sad.

Everyone then sits on there phones while a movie is playing in the background.  I have been texting Addie and we are currently debating which High School Musical movie is the best.

"When is Haley and London coming to visit LA?" Jonah says making me look up from my phone.

"There coming this weekend! Which means we'll be back in LA too... and Addie is coming with them also!" I say recalling all the texts we have been sending back and forth.

"Great! Do they have a place to say?" Daniel says standing up to get his water bottle.
"Ya I think they just got a hotel close to the campus, we really need to do something with them tho cause they are coming a few days early to "explore".  I say excited to meet them again, well... especially excited to meet Addie again.

*Haley's POV*

"Alright" I say to Addie and London who are sitting with me in my room. "Our tickets are ready for the flight, and we have the hotel booked!" I say looking to my friends

"Yay!! I'm so excited" London says joyfully.  "Me to! There is one unfortunate thing... the hotel only had room from Sunday to The next Saturday when we come home.   So for the first few days, we're staying in slightly more expensive hotel." I say

"That's fine it's not to hard to move hotels right?"  London says after me
"And thanks for letting me tag along I'm so exited!" Addie says smiling
"We'll if we're leaving for a school year we've got to have our other partner in crime now right?" I say turning to face Addie
"I'm sure going to miss you!!" She says giving us a slight grin

Truth is I'm really glad Addie is coming with us because we are not going to see her for a while when school starts... she's two years younger than us and will only be a junior in high school, but the three of us have always been close. 

It's also good because our parents aren't coming with us, I guess you could say this is like a senior trip but with a side of collage orientations.  Our parents decided they would come up when we actually start school instead of this week.  It's going to be so fun!

And we leave tomorrow!

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