{37} finally free

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*London's POV*

I remember.  I remember everything.  Going to college.  Meeting Daniel.  Everything.

I wake up out of breath.  I begin to cry as I remember the dream I just had.  It's all back.  I see Daniel still asleep on the couch, so  I turn to look at the clock.  4:35 am.

I don't know what to do I'm so happy, I feel tired but I can't sleep not after that.  I try to grab my phone but end up pushing my water bottle off the table. 

Daniel wakes up immediately.
"Sorry Daniel, I tried to grab my phone but I just knocked my water off and it kind of made a loud noise."  I say quietly

"That's ok" he says smiling.  "Why were you getting your phone it's like four in the morning." He asks.

"I just couldn't sleep." I say turning to him.  His expression changes when he sees my face and I realize I was just crying. 

"Wait what's wrong?" Daniel says waking up a little more.  He cares so much.

"Nothing.  It's just". I trail off

"Just what?" He asks

"I remember" I say and more tears fall.  But not because I'm sad, but actually the complete opposite. 

He stands up and walks over pulling me in a hug.  We stay like that for a while neither of us wanting to move. 

"What do you remember?" Daniel asks after a while.

"Everything.  College, moving, and... you."  I say slowly. He just hugs me tighter.
"D-Daniel?"  I ask
"Yes?" He says pulling slightly away from our hug and looking me in the eyes.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too"


The rest of the morning Daniel and I talked for hours, about memories, and funny stories. 
Everything has been looking good, and a few nurses said I could maybe be released tonight. 

It's now around 9:00 am as I hear the door open, I turn to look expecting to see more nurses.

"Mom! Dad!  Your here" I say as my parents walk inside.

My parents made it. We talk for hours about everything that's happened in life. Daniel went home a after talking with my parents for a while and now it's just me and them.

"Wow I didn't realize it was getting so late!" I say as I look at the time.

By now it's about 7:00pm. I'm not sure when my parents are leaving, but I know that they both can't stay long because of work.  I'm ok with that though, just the thought of them buying plane tickets to come here and then go home later that day made me feel more loved then ever.

"We really wish we could stay, but we need to get back to work. These hospital bills won't pay them selfs." My dad says with a laugh.

I know that my parents would drop anything to be with me, but the nurses came in and even the doctor telling them that I was in perfect health and will be released soon. Well not perfect health, turns out I didn't really break any bones which was a miracle, but I did sprain an ankle really bad and my wrist, but those will heal up quickly.

They wanted me to go with them, but in all honesty. That would be harder on me. Just having to go home and be stuck by myself without my friends and Daniel. But my others trust him and I know he would help me with anything I need.

So with all that I say bye to my parents so they can catch their flight back home.
Now I'm alone.

"Hi, we have all your results back, and you can go home tonight." The nurse says happily.

"Really! That's great news." I can't wait until I can leave this hospital room that's kept me trapped. I can't wait to go home.

I'm going to stay at the Why Don't We house with Haley until we are good to be on our own again.  Honestly I feel really bad and I know Haley did too.  We are literally coming into there lives and probably causing so much stress...

"Hey" I hear a voice cutting of my thoughts.
I smile slightly seeing Daniel walk through the door.

"I'm being released tonight. I can go home!" I say excitedly.

"Really!" He asks
"Yup" I say

"But Daniel, is it really ok for me to be staying with you, I know your busy and all, and now you've got us intruding in your space and we don't want you to have to worry about us or feel like you need to take care of us all the time, and I..." I get cut off from my rant by Daniels lips on mine.
He pulls away and smiles.

"First of all I love you" he says making me laugh a little. 
"Second, why on earth would you think you would be "intruding" on our life.  You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm serious. I'll take you over any of the boys any day" we both laugh at his comment.

The nurse then walks in and she's pushing a wheelchair.

"Your all set to go" she says after explaining some things about the medicine I need to take.

Daniel helps me sit down, it's not to hard to walk with my crutches, but since I have a sprained ankle and a head injury that was pretty bad. The doctors don't think it's a great idea to be walking around all too much.
  We finally make it out too Daniels car and he helps me in the passenger seat.

I'm finally out
Finally Free

Finally going Home...

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