F O R T Y - T H R E E

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"Hailee?! Hailee! Look at me!" I hear a voice, miles away in the darkness. I feel light taps on my cheek. I roll my eyes down and see a blurry face a few inches in front of me.

"Hailee!" the face screams. I try to say something, but I end up drooling and my head swing back due to my weak neck.

"Baby stay with me!" I freeze when I recognize the voice.


I force myself to open my eyes. The blur slowly starts to fade away and I can finally see his beautiful hazel eyes. I bring my shaky hands to his face and gently cup his cheeks.

"Gray...son..." I mumble and inspect his face. Every single detail. Starting from his eyes, to his freckle, to his jawline and finally to his lips.

His pink plump lips...

"I'm here. You're okay..." he whispers.

We hear sudden gunshots. He quickly pulls me in his arms to protect my body. I squeeze my eyes shut and hide my face in his sweatshirt, where I catch a scent of his smell.

My eyes open.


For a better reading experience, listen to the song "Waves" by Mattia Cupelli 🖤

Author's note : All the text in italic are flashbacks. All the normal text is in the present.



I stop walking when his gaze meets mine.

My jaw almost drops.

He. Is. Fucking. Hot.

He has brown slid-back hair, a jawline carved by god itself and the body of someone who spends more than five hours in the gym per day.

A fucking masterpiece.


"I've never seen you around..." he claims.

I can't help but smirk.

"I'm new here." I reply as I rest my chin in my hand.

"Hmm that's why. I would've remembered such a pretty face." he flirts and I feel my cheeks slowly heating up.


I open my car's door, about to get in, but a hand closes the door as soon as I open it.

I turn around to glare at the person.

"I'm not allowed to talk to you, remember?" I snap and turn back around, about to get in the car again.

I open the door and he slams it shut one more time.

His massive arm was right next to my body, pushed up against my car's door. He stares in the depth of my eyes and I feel my knees go weak because of the tension between us.


I turn my car on and hear a door slamming shut beside me.

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