four ; 1

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All the losers decided to sneak into the liquor store and steel some alcohol. Eddie was very scared of all the possibilities of underage drinking, and even stealing. Eddie was never one to go along with such stunts but he knew he would get made fun of by the rest of them. Just as he said he didn't want to get made fun of, he made himself an easy target. Eddie said "why don't we turn back and just watch a movie? What happens when you get drunk or we get caught for stealing. We are underage!" Richie said "don't be such a pussy Eds, just have a little fun for once!" Eddie dropped his jaw, showing he was offended as he brought his hand to his chest in shock. He complained "I can have fun!" Richie chuckled "name one time" Eddie had to think. Eddie was always stuck at home doing nothing. Eddie thought about the barrens when they played tag! Eddie was about to talk when Richie interrupted him and said "when i say 'fun' I mean 'fun'. I don't mean like a game of tag, or hide and go seek. I mean like drinking, smoking, sneaking out, like something dangerous." Eddie never broke any rules. He obeyed adults. Eddie could only think of one thing, and it was the worst thing he had ever done. It wasn't bad at all, he only broke a small rule at his house. He knew Richie would make fun of him for it, but it's better than not answering at all. Eddie said "one time, I stayed up past my bed time, like really late." Richie bursts into a fit of laughter. Richie pinched Eddie's cheeks and said "you're too adorable! I'm going to show you real fun tonight" he had a smirk on his face that sent chills down Eddie's back. Bill said "shut up Ruh-Richie" Beverley said "yeah, we are going to get caught" Richie scoffed and rolled his eyes. Richie looked farther down where they were headed and looked at the street signs. It was going to be a while on foot. Eddie yawned and whined "I'm tired!" Richie said "suck it up buttercup" Eddie stomped his foot like an angry four year old making Richie chuckle. Eddie said "but Richie! I'm not moving." Stan said "c'mon Eddie, we might get caught if you don't hurry" Ben said "hurry!" Eddie shook his head and stood his ground. Richie said "go ahead everyone ill get him" everyone walked along and they were soon out of sight. Richie said "Eddie lets go or you'll regret it" Eddie didn't budge. Richie said "fine, its your fault you didn't move" Richie tickled Eddie's sides causing Eddie to laugh. Richie said "lets go" Eddie didn't move, he just kept laughing and squirming. Richie stopped and said "what will get you to move?" Eddie smirked and said "carry me" making grabby hands signaling for Richie to carry him. Richie rolled his eyes and picked up the small boy. Eddie giggled and Richie started to walk. Eddie laid his head on Richie's shoulder and closed his eyes. He fell asleep and Richie blushed. Richie finally caught up to the rest of the losers and mike exclaimed "finally!" Richie said "shut the fuck up! Eddie is sleeping!" It was more of a whisper yell and mike nodded. After 15 more minutes of walking, the losers club arrived at the liquor store. Richie thought about Eddie  drunk, it made him giggle. The thought of Eddie acting a little weird was rare, and Richie wanted to experience it. Richie glanced at his shoulder looking at Eddie's sleeping little body. Richie admired Eddie's body, he always thought Eddie was cute. Richie tickled Eddie's palm causing Eddie to giggle and wake up. Richie said "Eds, we're here." Eddie hopped off of Richie's back and said "uh, Richie?" Richie turned around and said "yeah?" Eddie took a deep breath and said "will you protect me? What if I get drunk, or drink too much, will you protect me?" Richie smiled and wrapped his arm securely around the smaller boy, and said "of course Eds!" He ruffled his hair and they both giggled. Beverley was squealing staring at the two boys. Stan, Bill, Ben, and Mike were all staring at the two boys in confusion. Richie was never the boy to have a soft side or be nice to just anyone. Ben started to laugh causing Richie's blood to boil. He doesn't like when people make fun of him because that's when he turns into the trash mouth he is. Richie said "shut it burger belly!" Eddie said "calm down Rich, it's okay." Richie calmed down and said "sorry" Ben's jaw dropped and he screamed "What the fuck! You never apologize!" Richie said "yeah, woah!" The others were still shocked and didn't talk. Finally Eddie broke the silence and said "guys weren't we going to do this!?" Everyone snapped out of it and nodded. Richie pulled out a bobby pin and unlocked the door. Eddie said "how did you do that?" Richie smirked and said "told you, I have fun" he winked causing Eddie to smile sheepishly and blush. They walked in and they split up in twos. Eddie and Richie, Ben and Beverley, and Bill and Stan. Richie said "okay, lets get these" he pointed to a clear bottle of vodka, red wine, and champagne. Eddie didn't know what each of them were. They came out and all of them all had different things. Ben and Bev, had cigarettes, Richie and Eddie had the alcohol, and Stan and Bill had some beer. Richie said "Eds, ill get some fruit for you." Eddie said "why?" Richie chuckled and said "you won't like alcohol like that without some fruits. It's called a fruit cocktail." He nodded and Richie ran and got a can of mixed fruit and said "alright, lest get the fuck outta here before we get caught." Richie spoke too soon. The alarm went off, and they heard the cop sirens. They all looked at each other with worried expressions except Eddie was sobbing.

Sorry that this is all over the place. This is part one, part two is the next update!

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