twenty seven

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^^^^I actually made that cupcake at a Christmas party! I was trying to find will! ; )

Eddie was getting ready for the losers Christmas party. He was very excited, because it was a Christmas pajama party. Eddie ran to his closet, and took down his Christmas onesie from the hanger. He stripped off his clothes, and put on his onesie. It was a green and red onesie, with cute little red hearts. Eddie's smile widened as he did a twirl in the mirror, admiring himself. Eddie grabbed his present he bought for secret Santa, and left the house. He was excited for the party. He got richie for secret Santa and he was really happy about that. He knew he was close to Richie's, when he saw a broken beer bottle, and a ripped off piece of Richie's sweater in the street. Eddie giggled lightly as he walked up to the house. He opened the door, and walked to the kitchen, seeing all the losers there. Richie jumped out of his chair and gave Eddie a big hug. Richie let go, and said "oh Eddie bear! Why are you late?! Don't tell me you're hurt! Oh baby let me see!" Imitating Eddie's mom. Richie was pinching at Eddie's cheeks as, while Eddie was swatting them away. Eddie was lightly blushing at the nickname, but let it go quickly. Bill said "hey Eddie!" Everyone greeted Eddie as he sat down with them. Mike said "hey, do you want to be my partner while we are making ginger bread houses?" Eddie smiled and said "sure!" Ben came back with all the supplies and laid them flat on the table. He said "okay, whoever makes the best ginger bread house wins!" Everyone nodded and Beverley said "we're gonna kick their asses!" Richie nodded and said "yeah!" And gave Beverley a high five. Eddie rolled his eyes and grabbed some supplies. Eddie and mike were on a team, bill and Stan, Beverley and Richie, and Ben was the judge because he hated ginger bread. Mike held the two pieces up as Eddie put the frosting to stick them together. All you heard was screaming and laughing, as Richie and Beverley's ginger bread house fell apart. Mike said "ha! Guess who lost?" I giggled and Richie said "whatcha laughing at eds? I bet yours will fall next." Eddie laughed louder and said "that's funny, ours will be the best! Right mike!" Mike turned around and said "right!" But, what they didn't know, was that as they were arguing, Eddie and mikes ginger bread house was falling apart. It looked like trash. Eddie went to look at it, but his smile faded and it turned into a look of horror. Richie laughed as Eddie tried to put it back together and Beverly hit Richie in the arm saying "don't be mean rich!" Richie just laughed louder. Stan and bill were working very hard on their houses. Bill yelled "done!" Everyone looked and Stan said "look at our masterpiece!" Everyone's mouth dropped in awe, and Richie said "it's not a masterpiece anymore." Richie brought his hand up, and forcefully brought it down in Stan and bill's house. Bill was on the verge of punching Richie, but Stan was dying of laughter. After that, it all just turned into a mess. Everyone was smashing each other's houses while laughing more than they ever have. Ben came back and said "what happened?!" Richie snickered and said "we smashed the houses!" Ben rolled his eyes and said "oh dear god Richie! Let's all go inside." Everyone ran inside and sat on the sofa. Richie had pulled Eddie onto his lap, and he blushed. Beverley said "let's play twister!" Richie groaned and said "as soon as I got comfy? Really? Spaghetti was super warm!" Eddie's cheeks turned red, but Eddie slapped Richie's arm and said "don't call me that!" Richie laughed lightly, and said "never." And walked to the game pad. Eddie followed and so did everyone else. Stan said "alright, I'll be the one spinning!" Everyone nodded as the got reddie. Stan said "alright,
who's playing?" Mike said "I'll pass." Bill yawned and said "me and Stan are going to cuddle in the couch." Stan blushed and said "we are?" Bill nodded and pulled him over to the couch. Beverly said "Ben and I are going to watch, I wanna see Richie fail." Richie said "really? I bet Eds is going to lose!" Eddie said "no! I'm going to win!" Richie poked Eddie's nose and said "that's cute eds, but only hot, tough boys like me win." Eddie burst into a fit of laughter and said "you? Oh please! You're the biggest softie!" Richie said "when!?" Eddie walked up to Richie and said "like when I do this." Eddie cuddled into Richie and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. Richie turned into complete mush, and Eddie just giggled. Stan said "he has a point." Richie said "just start!" Stan spun the spinner (idk what it's called haha) and called out "Eddie, right hand green." Eddie placed his right hand on green, and waited there. He was cringing as the smell of the game pad filled his nose. It smelled of feet and sweat. Stan spun it again, and called out "Richie, left foot yellow." Richie placed his left leg yellow and waited for his turn. Richie was very close to Eddie where he put his foot. He liked being so close to Eddie, it made him feel all tingly inside. Stan called out "Eddie, left hand yellow" Eddie placed it and was in a push up position, but with his bum sticking out. Richie smiled and took a look at Eddie. He climbed on top of him and started to thrust his body in Eddie. Richie grunted playfully as Eddie gagged and moved away. Everyone burst into laughter and Richie said "I win! Eddie fell first!" Ben said "well you did basically pretend to fuck him." Eddie said "yeah! I win!" Stan chuckled and said "Eddie wins." Eddie cheered and Richie said "fine, just this once. The only reason he won, is because he got a glimpse of what it's going to look like in bed." Eddie gave Richie a slap and said "richie! You're so annoying!" Richie leaned down and whispered "You know you would like It spaghetti." He winked, and it left Eddie completely paralyzed. Eddie couldn't even correct him on the nickname. Richie giggled and pulled Eddie onto his lap as he sat in a circle with the losers to do the secret Santa. Eddie's blood rose to his cheeks as Richie played with Eddie's hair, and placed soft butterfly kisses to his shoulders. Richie didn't think Eddie would mind, and Eddie didn't. In fact, he loved it. Beverley said "get a room boys." Richie and Eddie both looked away and blushed. Mike said "alright! Everybody hand their presents to their secrets Santa!" Richie was never the type to try. like at all, but this time he did. If it meant trying to make Eddie happy, he would try his hardest. Richie handed Eddie a wrapped box, and Eddie handed Richie a red box, with a little green bow. Richie and Eddie both gasped, and said "you got me?!" In unison, and both laughed. Eddie said "I think you'll like mine." Richie smiled and said "I think you'll like mine too. Alright Eds, you go first." Eddie nodded and opened the box. It revealed a red sweater, with a big white "E" in the middle. Eddie noticed it was a couple sizes too big, but he loved it. Eddie was almost in tears as he put it on. He loved it. Richie was worried he didn't like it, so he asked "do you like it? I tried super hard." Eddie got out of Richie's lap, so he could hug him properly. He got in front of him, and wrapped his frail little arms around richie. Richie loved Eddie, so very much. Eddie said "I love it! It's so soft and fluffy!" Richie giggled lightly under his breath and Eddie frowned. Richie raised his left eyebrow, and asked "what's wrong?" Eddie looked up and said "you might not like mine. It's not as good as yours." Richie said "I'll love anything you give me." Eddie nodded and said " it!" Richie nodded and opened the box. He saw a bunch of notes, a comic book, and half of a cigarette in a bag. Richie smiled so widely you would think its humanly possible. Eddie said "you remember all these right?" Richie nodded and said "oh my god! I remember this cigarette! It was the first time you broke a rule, and skipped school! Aww That was the day my little baby grew up!" Richie ruffled Eddie's hair and Eddie didn't bother to stop him. Eddie said "yeah, we skipped school, and I tried a cigarette. I mean, I didn't like it so I kept it. But that day was fun." Richie took out the comic and said "oh! This was the first day we met! Hey losers! You might wanna hear how me and Eds met!" They all turned around from receiving gifts and were listening closely. Richie said "it was in kindergarten and it was the first day. I had my little bag, with my supplies and comic book. It was my favorite! I walked in and saw Eds sitting alone. I felt bad, and gave it to him. I said 'hey! I'm richie, and from your name tag I can see you're Eddie!' He wouldn't talk, so I gave him my comic book, and asked him o be my friend. From them on, we are the best of friends!" Eddie said "I'm so glad we did." Richie took Eddie's hand and said "what are these notes?" Eddie said "oh! These are some notes we pass in class." Richie said "ooooh I'm gonna read some." He grabbed a couple and read them. "You're cute eds! That sweater is nice!" "I just tore my math, can I copy yours?" "Edddddiiiiiiieeee! come over after school! We can cuddle!" Richie laughed and Eddie said "I'm mad I kept these, and guess what? Now they're yours!" Richie tightened his grip on Eddie's hand and said "thanks Eds. You're the best." Eddie giggled and cuddled into Richie's side. Richie played with the collar of Eddie's onesie, and Eddie was playing with Richie's hair. They wished they could stay young forever and stay like this all the time, but it was impossible. But, they didn't care! They have now, and that's all that mattered to them. Spending Christmas with each other, was a blessing.

I'm soooo sorry I didn't post for a while! I had project citizen essays and other hw. I hope you liked it! I'm so reddie for Christmas! Ughhhh yes!❤️☺️❤️

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