twenty one ; 10/21/17

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"Today feels like hell, but doesn't every day?" Richie thought to himself, as all the memories of his parents divorce flood back into his mind. All the times his parents would scream at each other, all the times his parents would hit each other, it was all too much. His parents got a divorce, and that was the start of the worst thing in Richie's life, depression. After the divorce, everything seemed to turn dark, gloomy, everything wasn't the same. All the theme parks he went to with his parents as a kid, now made him cry, all the times he and his mom would go to the beach and splash around and take pictures, now made him angry, thinking of all these things were too much for him. All the times Richie would feel worthless and want to die, all the times he wanted to commit suicide, we're now nightmares, that he thought could come true at any moment. Richie was slumped in his bed, remembering the time that his dad, introduced his girlfriend. He wouldn't really say "introduced" it was more of a surprise, a horrible surprise. It was around Christmas, and his dad was always looking at her ass, her boobs, her body, and it was horrible. He didn't even know they were dating, and they couldn't show it. Richie started to like ten women, but when his mom told him it was his fathers girlfriend, everything turned to shit. He remembered the story, the reason they divorced, my dad was cheating, with another women, and when he found out it was her, he just wanted to cry, but her, scream at her, and make her feel the way he did. Right now, he is locked in his room, hearing the laughs and screams coming from the girlfriend, her son, Richie's brother, and his dad. He don't want to be there, and he didn't want to be seen crying. Richie's mom, was like hell. She would compliment him in front of her friends and shit, but alone, she would bring him down, she would build him up and then break him down. One of the only happy memories, was when his mom found a boyfriend. This boyfriend was super nice, and had an amazing daughter. The daughter was like his sister, it almost felt like from birth. She told him all her secrets and he told her all of his. They loved each other dearly. Richie smiled, at the thought of feeling loved by one side of the family, it made him feel happy. Richie heard another loud laugh, one of hers. It sounded like a witch. It was loud, and scary. Richie rolled his eyes, feeling the most disgusting feeling in his gut. He hated her with all his heart. Richie got up, put on his freeses shirt, and walked out of the door. He walked right past, his father laughing and placing kisses on her neck. He cringed, and his father immediately stopped once he noticed. Richie said "I'm gonna take a walk." Without his fathers consent, he just walked out, letting the cool air hit his face. It felt amazing. He was waking around the gated community of boring apartments, when he saw something so beautiful, it made his heart flutter at the sight. It was a boy, the most beautifully boy you've ever seen. Richie felt his cheeks heat up, when he saw the boy giggle, as a small monarch butterfly land on his nose. Richie had always thought about his sexuality, questioning whether he was gay, or straight. He took another look at the boy, and noticed him walking over. Richie couldn't move, it was like he was frozen. The boy smiled sweetly, and said "hey, I'm Eddie, what's your name?" Richie would've usually made a joke and said "Ben-Dover" but this felt different. He said "I'm Richie, what's up?" Eddie said "nothing much, just getting away from my mom and her boyfriend." Richie said "oh, I'm getting away from my dad and her girlfriend." They both laughed lightly, but it faded away nice he heard the harsh slaps, and screams coming from the younger son, and his dads girlfriend. He heard these words, then another slap. "No le dices eso a mami!" (You don't say that to mommy!) Richie sighed, and Eddie said "is that her, and her kid?" Richie nodded, and said "they are annoying as fuck!" They boy and him laughed, so hard, it hurt. The two boys stopped laughing once Richie said "you wanna, ya know, just leave for a little? Like leave her and hang out?" Eddie nodded, and said "sure! Let's go!" The two boys walked out of the gate, and walked away.


It was hours of laughs, smiles, and jokes until it got dark, and Richie knew he had to go back to that hell hole. They walked back to the apartments, and Richie now almost started to cry, but he knew he couldn't let it out. Eddie saw the expression and said "hey, it's okay, don't worry. If you need anything just come to my apartment. It's 223." Richie nodded, and said "Eds, what if my dad hits me for being back late?" Eddie intertwined their fingers and said "you can come to me. I'll be there." Richie nodded, and said "okay, thanks Eds." Eddie giggled lightly and said "no problem! By Richie." He lifted himself on his tiptoes, and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. Richie blushed, and walked back home. He opened the door to the apartment, and saw everyone asleep. He smiled, but it soon faded knowing he couldn't see Eddie again today. He raced to his room, pulled out his phone, and texted his "sister".

(This is how they have each other on their contacts)

Big bro💞-hey guess what?!
Big bro💞-I met this really cute boy! He kissed me on the cheek today!
Sistaaaaa!💚-awww rlly? Richie has a boyfriend, Richie has a boyfriend!
Big bro💞- oh shut it cock-sucker!
Sistaaaaa!💚 I could call you the same;))
Big bro💞- whatever! Bye love ya!
Sistaaaaa!💚-love ya too cock-sucker!

Richie put down his phone, almost forgetting all the shit that's happened to him, and fell asleep. All his dreams were about that sweet little boy, Eddie. He couldn't wait to see him again!

Hey guys! So the feeling through the book were based off of me. I wanted to basically write Richie's feeling like they were mine. All the shit in this book happened to me. It was based off of the other day, October 21. I didn't really see a boy, who I liked, but all the shit with my dad and his girlfriend, and me walking out was true. I couldn't stand to be there at that time. The thing is, since Richie was a boy, I wanted to make his "sister" a girl, but I do have an almost step-brother. Hope you liked it! (Also, some requested smut, that will be uo in the next few updates!)

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