twenty two ; 10/23/17

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(Continuation of October 21)

Richie couldn't stop thinking of the smaller boy, Eddie. It been a couple days since they last saw each other. Richie was laying in his bed, as he awoke from his nap. He yawned, rubbing his eyes in the process, to un-blur his vision. He got up, and saw one of the only people he's hated all his life, the witch that was dating, the biggest asshole there was, his dad. He rolled his eyes and greeted her, with a sarcastic tone, and an exaggerated face. Richie didn't want to face that bitch, so he once again, laid in his room, thinking of ways to possibly move out with his sister when he gets older. He hasn't seen his sister in a couple days and he really misses her. The only person who knows the secret hatred he has for his dad, is her. Richie picked up his phone, and walked to the bathroom. He sat by the sink, on the counter, texting his sister.

Big bro💞- hey Jayla
Sistaaaaa💚- hey what's up, you never call me by my name?
Big bro💞- my shitty dad. He keeps bringing his bitch ass girlfriend. Ughhh!
Sistaaaaa💚- I'm sorry! As soon as we get old enough, we are moving out of our parents houses, and living the dream!
Big bro💞- yep! Bye, love ya!
Sistaaaaa💚- love ya too!

As he was about to text her back about how much he loved her more, his dad called out "are you taking this to moms?" It was his boxers. He rolled his eyes and said "I don't know am I? Why wouldn't I need my boxers?" As he went to text her back, he felt a hand, grasp around his upper arm. It stung, and he already saw it bruising. He felt tears trickle down his cheeks, as he heard screaming. "Don't raise your tone with me! I'm sick of tired of this attitude! I-" as he was gonna say more, Richie yelped, and said "stop! You're hurting me!" His dad let go, and and stormed out. Richie didn't know why he was crying, but it definitely hurt. He ran to his room, wiped his tears, and packed a bag. He put some clothes, and his phone in the bag, and ran out. He heard stifled screams coming from the apartment, but he didn't care. He ran to the other apartment he's been wanting to go to, 223. He knocked on the door, and heard a soft "coming!" The door opened, to reveal Eddie, wearing a skin-tight crop top, that said "Netflix and Pop-tarts" and some black panties. Richie turned around, and said "sorry, I guess I wasn't supposed to see." He heard Eddie giggle, and say "it's okay, come in." Richie entered the apartment, and saw the most artsy thing he has ever seen. Everything was white, and above his sofa, was a array of fairy lights, with Polaroid pictures. Richie smiled, and he saw Eddie come back with red, tight shorts. Richie almost drooled. Eddie said "I guess you've never seen me wear, ya know, anything feminine. I could take it off if you want?" Richie shook his head, and said "no! Don't! I like it, it looks cute." Richie realized what he said, and it caused both boys to blush. Eddie looked into Richie's eyes, and saw they were puffy and red. He ran up to the the taler boy, and engulfed him in a hug. He said "you ok? Sit down please." They both sat down on the sofa, and Eddie wrapped his small arms around Richie. Richie smiled, as Eddie nuzzled his head into his neck. Richie showed Eddie the hand print, bruise that was already formed on his arm. Eddie gasped and said "ice! Do you need ice?" Richie said "it's okay Eds, I just didn't want to be near him right now, is it okay if I stay with you?" Eddie smiled and nodded. He replied "yes! Of course you can!" Richie nodded, and placed a sweet kiss, on Eddie's soft cheek, causing it ta redden, and heat up. They stayed like that for a while, until they made their way to bed. Eddie pulled Richie into the bed, and Eddie laid his head on Richie's chest, and tangled their legs together. Eddie heard Richie's heartbeat, and followed it, and listened to the rhythm causing him to fall asleep. Richie giggled and placed a kiss on Eddie's forehead. As he did, he heard buzzing come from his phone. He saw it was all his dad. He rolled his eyes, and held tightly onto Eddie. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to show he needed him. He felt hands snake around his chest, and tighten in his back. A smile, grew on both boys faces, as Richie felt his eyelids get heavy, and he fell asleep.

When i do these, they are based off my day. The only things that aren't real, is like having a crush on someone, or like running to someone else's house. Instead, what happens was the thing with my dad happened in the morning before school, and basically running away was instead of going to my dads house, I told my grandma to pick me up and take me to my moms even though she wasn't home. Thanks for reading! Sorry I posted so late

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