twenty eight ; 12/5/17

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Richie was laying in his bed, scrolling through his phone. He received a text from Eddie. His stomach flooded with butterflies and all the blood rushed to his cheeks, cashing his freckles to become more prominent.

trashmouth tozz💙: ughhh I hate school! I hate everything about it! All the smug ass ppl! Ugh! They think they're the shit because they've lost their v-card already!
spaghetti bb💞: even me :(
trashmouth tozz💙: no no no eds! Not you! The others! The fake ass ppl! Like who the fuck!?
spaghetti bb💞: language!
trashmouth tozz💙: sorry, WHOM the fuck?!
spaghetti bb💞: you're cute, but still sooo annoying! Why?! bye bye
trashmouth tozz💙: bye bye dood

Richie's cheeks were as red as tomatoes. His smile died down when he remembered Eddie might not even have feelings for Richie. Richie got up, and trudged to his drawer. Luckily, since he was in his mom's house, he had shorts for school. He slipped on his khaki colored shorts, and he put on his navy blue school uniform. He walked out and went to the bathroom. He ran a hand through his hair, and sighed. Richie didn't care about his appearance when he went to school, it didn't mater to him. He walked to his brothers room and grabbed a pair of super star adidas; from the pile of clean clothes and shoes, and slipped them on easily. He yawned, grabbed his phone, and sat on the love seat in his living room. As he was scrolling through Instagram, his mom and brother came down the stairs. He rolled his eyes and put his phone is his pocket. His mom said "go to the car." He nodded and got in, slouching in his chair. His mom soon got in, along with his brother, and started to drive. Richie looked out the window seeing parents walk their kids to school all happy and it made him sick. He didn't understand how people can be so happy all the time. As soon as he saw the old rusty gates, he knew he was there. As he was about to exit the car, his mom said "why don't you put in any effort to look at least nice when you go to school? Your hair looks super ugly. Why don't you fix it?!" I rolled my eyes and as I got out of the car I shouted "because I don't give a shit!" And all I heard was my mom screaming "watch your language! If you talk to me like that again you're losing your phone!" I rolled my eyes; which now seemed normal to me, and walked straight to class. When I walked in, I saw Eddie. I smiled and sat next to him. He smiled back, and my heart felt warm again. My mom was such an asshole sometimes and she makes me feel like I'm actual shit. It's like she wants me to be something I'm not. She's always talking about my friends and how smart they are to her friends, and not about me. She always compares me to my friends, which I completely despise! Just the other day she said "why aren't you like your friends? Their so smart and dress so nicely? You need to step up your game or that phone is gone." It hurt like when Regina George got hit with that school bus (heheh mean girls) I wanted to cry. Eddie was just so different and made me feel like I'm worth living, and not a waste of god's creation. He said "hey Richie! How was she today?" I sighed and said "she called me ugly, and she says I don't put any effort into looking nice." Eddie frowned and said "she's an asshole! You look hot as fuck all day every day!" I giggled and watched as he did the same. I wish I could pour my heart out to him, but I can't. I just cant do it.

My mom is such an ass sometimes! I hope your day wasn't as shitty as mine was, and sorry it was so short. I just needed to write about this. I love you guys, and if you ever need to talk, you know you can just message me! I'll always respond! (Monday-Friday from 8:30am- 3:00pm, I cant talk bc of stupid school, but I can at any other time babes!❤️)

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