thirty six ; 1

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Eddie pov
I've been with Richie for many years now. I can't take it anymore. He's always out with some slutty girls, getting home late, and coming back with hickeys. He tells me he loves me, and that makes it worse. That's why I stay, because I have hope that he loves me, but he still comes back with hickeys. My heart gets crushed every time, and my tears get more frequent and more heavy. I feel like I'm not good enough for him, like I don't have what it takes to get him to love me, like I don't deserve him. I've always been there for him, I've always been there when he gets into accidents and someone has to be at the hospital with him. I'm there! No one else cares enough except me! Last week was my graduation, he didn't go. He was out hooking up with some girl. I've given him a hundred chances, probably more. I don't think Richie loves him like I love him. I would die for him, I would do anything for him. I remember the day he told me he wanted to be with me, was in high school and I'm pretty sure it was just to fuck me, just a dare. Sooner or later if I don't stop this, I'll die. I won't be able to live with myself if he is with me and doesn't love me. Tears were streaming down my face as I picked up my phone and ran out of my house. I ran and ran and ran till I made it to Richie's house. I saw the door was slightly open. I walked inside and it smelled of alcohol. Tears became more frequent as I heard high-pitched female moans coming from Richie's bedroom. I held my phone and dialed his number. I heard a gasp and then giggling as the call ended. I ran up the stairs to his room. I threw open the door to find the most heartbreaking thing since my father's death. Richie and another girl haven't sex. Her face looked pleased. Almost like when Richie and I fuck, except I do it because I love him. Richie's face looked guilty, as he lifted it from underneath his covers. My tears were now flowing like a river and I screamed "Richie! Why would you do this?!" His face turned red and he said "Eddie...I love you." That's when I got angry. I screamed "love?! love?! You're fucking another girl! You've fucked at least the whole town of Derry already while you've been dating me, and you say you love me?! That's bullshit! I can't believe I thought you could love me. I actually can't believe how I loved you! You stupid fucking piece of shit! I fucking hate you! If you ever come near me again I swear to god I'll kill you!" I took the phone I had in my hand and smashed it on the floor. Pieces of glass went everywhere. I picked up the smashed phone and threw it at his forehead. He started to bleed. I wanted to take it all back and say "I love you too" but I can't. He doesn't love me. I ran out of the house and threw myself onto the street. I was waiting for a car to just hit me, waiting for my life to end. I looked up and saw head lights through my teary eyes. The sight soon ended when I felt a bump to the chest and everything went black.

I hope you liked it! There will be a part two! I'm honestly so sad rn Bc I wrote this hahaha. Poor eddie : ( I love you all! Thank you for reading this!

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