seventeen ; 1

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Eddie was running through the grass as the sun shone on Derry. He absolutely loved being outside, besides the fact that he has a lot of allergies. Eddie's mom is always telling Eddie he has all these severe allergies, but Eddie chooses not to believe her. He plopped onto the freshly cut grass, and giggled as he picked up a flower, and twirled it in between his thumb and pointer finger. He loved the bright colors and the way they smell. As he heard the all too familiar beep on his watch, signifying he has to go home, he stood up and skipped away from the brightly colored grass, and happy setting, to his boring old house. Eddie hated the path to get home. He always had to pass the Neibolt house. Eddie always got goose bumps and he felt more scared each time he passed by it. As he was walking by it, he took a quick glance, and covered the side of his eyes so he wouldn't see the house. He repeated over and over "I'm a big boy, I'm big boy." as an attempt to calm himself down. His mom would always tell him he was a "big boy" and that he had to be more manly and do more things on his own. Him being 14, he partially believed what she said. He should be doing more things on his own, but he can't help how pure he is, and how young he is at heart. He heard faint whispers coming from the house. He slowly took away his hands and plastered them to his sides. He turned his head to face the house and he didn't see anything, but he still heard the whispers. He walked closer to the house trying to understand what the whispers were saying. It got more clear, but he still couldn't make it out. He was now at the door step. He pushed the door open stepping inside and looking around the creepy old house. He saw an open room and he squinted trying to make out what was inside. The door slammed behind him causing him to wince. He got closer to the door and saw children. They all had blood on their face, and looked almost like zombies. He tried to run out before anything happened, but he was too late. He rattled the door knob trying to get out but it was locked. He now screamed "help! Somebody I'm trapped! Help!" But it was no use. He turned back around, seeing the kids get closer and the whispering was now clear. It was saying "you'll see how we feel." He was slightly confused. He recognized one specific girl. It was Betty Ripsom. His eyes widened in shock and she said "you'll see how we feel. We are all alone down here, by ourselves, with nothing. But, you'll soon see why." They all smirked, a devilish grin. Eddie said "what?" They got closer, but he noticed one of the boys, turning into something. It should on became Pennywise. Eddie began to whimper as he scanned the evil clown up and down. All the kids stopped, parting a path way in the middle of them. Pennywise stepped closer through the path. Eddie tried to get out but he already tried before and it was a failure. Pennywise took the boy in his hands and said "Hiya Eds" Eddie tried to wriggle out of his grip, but as he did, the grip got tighter each time. Pennywise shot him a smirk, before he replied "are you scared?" Eddie shook his head and Pennywise frowned and said "well you should be" all in that moment, his voice got deeper, his teeth got bigger and sharper, and his grip was now leaving bruises on the fragile boys arm. Pennywise knew Eddie didn't like being alone in the streets of Derry. Eddie despised the alley ways, the dirty concrete paths leading to old restaurants, and truly hated the horrid smell as you walked by certain areas. He knew, Cats are usually by alleys, they have a good sense of smell, and that they walk on all fours. Everyone knew Pennywise could shapeshift into different things, but what people didn't know, is that he could change other people too. Pennywise knew Eddie couldn't survive on the streets like that for more than a day. Pennywise enlarged its mouth, showing three little lights. Eddie stared right at them, and was soon in some sort of trance. He soon fell to the floor, and blacked out. The last thing he heard was "bye bye kitty."


Eddie woke up and looked around him. He wasn't in the Neibolt house anymore. He was in a cardboard box. "But how?" He thought. He seemed more low to the ground than usual. He looked down, and soon noticed, he had paws. His eyes widened and he tried to get out of the box. He tried to claw his way out, but it was no use at all. He had noticed, Pennywise had turned him into a small kitten. Although Eddie loved Kittens, he didn't want to be one! There was a small hole on the side. Eddie peeked through, seeing a glass mirror, that was broken into shards. He looked at himself through one of the shard and he examined his little body. He was a light shade of brown, with caramel eyes, and small white little paws. He thought he looked cute, but he was also panicking over the fact he was now a cat. Eddie felt helpless. He soon smelled the dirty alley way stench and he wanted to faint. He hated those horrid smells. Eddie was full of stress, and he just wanted to sleep. He positioned himself in the corner of the box, and closed his eyes. You are probably thinking "how could someone sleep at a time like this?!" Well, Eddie could sleep through anything at any time. Eddie thought it could've been a nightmare. He had very little hope in that though. I would ask the same thing, but I would also do the same as Eddie, sleep, and hope for the best.


Richie was walking down the concrete side walks in Derry. He was looking for his dearest friend Eddie. They were supposed to hang out later, but Eddie never showed. Richie was quite suspicious why Eddie wouldn't show. Eddie would never miss hanging out with Richie. As Richie was walking down the side walk, he heard lite snores. He turned the corner and into the alley way. He saw a small cardboard box with a little cute kitten. Richie awed at the small kitty. Richie examined the small animal. It had light brown fur, and small little white paws. It reminded him of Eddie and his hair and how he always wears small white little galoshes. Richie picked up the small kitty very lightly and very carefully not wanting to wake it. Richie took his pointer finger and rubbed the top of its small head. The kitten purred lightly making Richie awe even more at the small little kitty in his hands. Richie walked home with the kitty in his hands not waking it the whole way. Once he stepped into his home, he saw his mom at the dinning table. His mom smiled and said "hello darling, what's in your hand?" Richie's smile grew as he walked slowly to his mom holding out the kitten. He said "it's a kitty. I'm thinking of keeping it for Eddie, he loves kitties!" Richie's mom giggled to herself and said "alright, but as soon as you see Eddie, you give him the kitten." Richie nodded excitingly as he quickly walked or his room. He closed the door behind him as he entered his room. He placed the small kitten on the bed and observed it. He saw its eyes flutter open, as he yawned. Richie's heart melted. The kittens claws soon came out and stuck to the bed. Richie laughed and unhooked the claws. The small kitty was shaking. Richie said "it's okay kitty, you're okay." The small kitten calmed down and and relaxed. Richie smiled and said "my names Richie" the cat nuzzled it's head into Richie's hands and purred. Richie loved the way the little kitty reminded him of Eddie. Richie said "I'll name you..." he stopped tapping his finger to his chin as he thought. He finally came up with an idea and said "I got it! You're now Cuddles! I'm assuming Eddie would give you some cute shitty cat name like that." The kitten nibbled on his finger and Richie giggled. (I'm going to be saying Eddie, but when Richie is talking to or about the cat I will say cuddles) Eddie thought "Oh my god! I'm with Richie! How do I tell him it's me?" Eddie tried to tell Richie it's him, but he was just meowing. Richie cradled Eddie and said "oh cuddles you're so cute! You know, you remind me of my best friend Eddie. He is adorable and has light brown hair just like you. He has that cute little nose, those eyes, and he has small feet. He wears these nerdy white galoshes that kinda look like your paws. I'm actually going to give you to him." Eddie loved the affection he was getting from Richie. He didn't want to leave his arms. Eddie decided it would be best if he stayed like that just for a little. Richie rubbed Eddie's belly making him purr.


Eddie and Richie spent the whole day, playing with yarn, and just cuddling together. Eddie loved being with Richie like this. Richie was now in bed with Eddie in his arms. Richie said "goodnight Cuddles. I really can't wait to give you to Eddie. I'm kinda sad though. He didn't show up today when we were gonna hang out. I really love Eddie but I can't tell him that. He is just so sweet and adorable. There is so much to love." Eddie thought "Richie loves me?! Oh gosh, he loves me!" Richie let out a dry chuckle, and said "why am I spilling out my feelings to a cat? Whatever." Richie rubbed Eddie's paws and fell asleep. Eddie fell asleep soon after. He finally knows, that the love of his life, loves him back. As Richie lightly snored, Eddie softly purred. It was all you could hear in the room. That night, Eddie completely forgot about Pennywise and his trick. He just thought about Richie.

Hope you liked it! I'm doing a part 2! I really like this one and I have more planned for it. I know it's stupid and Pennywise can't turn anyone into a cat but it made it different and kinda cool I guess. Tell me what you think. ALSO I HAVE 100 FOLLOWERS AS OF NOW! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! LOVE YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! ❤️

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