14- Brennen's House Party- Colby Brock

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Me and Brennen were grinding against each other and I was pissed off of my head. Colby was dancing with us two. I had two boys who were my friends and I was happy as anything. I got a text from my roommate Liz asking where I was. I said I was leaving now and I said goodbye to Brennen. Colby was sober so he said goodbye normally. I walked out and grabbed my bag. I walked along the sidewalk and then tripped over. I hit my head against the floor and it went black.


I finally left and was driving back home when I saw a girl, laid on the sidewalk passed out. I noticed the outfit and straight away knew it was Y/N. I pulled over swiftly and got out. I ran over to her and noticed she was bleeding.

"Y/N, Y/N can you hear me? Wake up!" I said, shaking her.

She didn't wake up.

"Fuck!" I said, under my breath.

I scooped her up off of the ground and put her in the back of my car. I put the seatbelt on her and then sped to hospital. I picked her up and ran into the hospital quickly.

"Help somebody. She needs a doctor" I said, running to the reception.

"Gurney!" I heard one of the doctors say.

I placed her on the gurney that was pulled over to us.

"What's happened?" the doctor asked, as we rushed down the hall.

"She passed out and I think she's hit her head" I said, sniffing.

"Miss, can you hear me? What's you name?" the doctor said.

"Her name's Y/N Y/L/N" I said, running down the hall.

I ran to the room and I was led out by a doctor.

"We have to run some exams on her. You have to stay out here" he said, pushing me out.

He shut the doors and I looked through the circular window on the door.

"I'm here Y/N. I'm here" I said, putting my hand against the glass.

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