31- Lady Probs- Aaron

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Me and my boyfriend Aaron were sat at home when my stomach started aching. I sighed and got up.

"Babe where are you going?" Aaron said looking at me as if he'd done something wrong.

"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back. Can you get the Advil? Also can we order some pizza and can you get the Pringles out of my cabinet?" I asked, holding my stomach.

"That time again?" He asked, looking at me.

"I hate admitting it" I said, running upstairs to my bathroom.

I looked underneath the cabinet and there weren't any pads.

"Hey Dev?" I shouted.

"Yeah?" She asked

"Come here a sec" I said, standing.outside the bathroom

"Do you have any pads? I've started" I said shyly.

"Yeah sure let me get some" she said walking into her and Corey's room.

She came back quickly with some pads.

"I'm going grocery shopping with Corey in a bit so I'll get you whilst we're out. I'll get you some Nutella too" she said hugging me.

"Thanks Dev" I said shutting the door.

I changed and then went downstairs stairs and Aaron hugged me.

"I hate seeing you go through this pain" he said resting his head on my shoulder.

"Don't. And don't say you wish you could take away the pain be sure I kid you not, you really don't. It's hell" I said kissing him softly.

"I love you Y/N" he said through the kiss.

I pulled away.

"And I love you too Aaron" I said kissing his nose.

He giggled and we continued with out film as he massaged my stomach.

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