66- Drunk As Fuck- Corey

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I was sat editing one of my videos. I was also constantly texting Y/N because she'd gone out with some of her friends and it was 1am and she hadn't come home yet. I heard the bedroom door open and heels click the floor.

"Honey I'm home" Y/N said as she poked her head around the corner.

Oh for fucks sakes..

"How much did you drink tonight?" I asked as she walked towards me.

"And iddy- biddy teenie weenie tiny bit" she said hicupping.

And this is why I don't let Y/N go out drinking without me.

"Come here babe. Let's get you into bed" I said standing up.

"Do you know what? I was at the club and there was a work on the floor. Alex and me made friends with a worm tonight" she said stumbling into my arms.

"Oh yeah" I muttered as I caught her.

"Do you want to know what we named that worm?" She asked as I laid her down on the bed.

"What did you call the worm babe?" I asked as I unstrapped her shoes.

"We called it... Wait... Smithy" she said.

"Smithy the worm?" I asked laughing to myself.

"And the night went to shit when Thalia threw up in the girls bathroom" she said.

"How did you get home babe?" I asked as she sat up.

"A very nice Uber driver. His name was Toby. He was an old man and he told me that I looked like a bunny. So I turned around to him and said, I would make a bunny noise but I don't know what noise they make" she said giggling.

"What PJ's do you want?" I asked from the closet.

"My Pokémon ones" she said.

I walked out of the closet and saw her snuggled up in bed.

"Here you go babe" I said passing her them.

"Thanks Scherererrrrrrrr" she said giggling.

She knows that when people don't pronouce my name properly it pisses me off. I tucked her in and then she passed out.

"Good luck with the hangover tommorow" I whispered.

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