56- Stalker- Sam

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Me and Devyn were sat at home and we were just watching some YouTube videos, when the front doors opened. My ex who I knew was my stalker ran to the room and grabbed me.

"Let go of her!" Devyn said running to help me.

Kyle slapped her and she fell onto the floor.

"Devyn. Run! Go get Sam!" I yelled as Kyle lunged for her.

She got up and ran to the door. I grabbed Kyle and he threw me to the floor. He glared at me. I moved across the floor towards the stairs.

"Kyle. Leave now and I won't go to the police" I said terrified.

"How do I know you haven't gone to them already? I know you know that I've been stalking you" he said grabbing me off the floor.

"I didn't. I didn't have enough proof" I said.

He grabbed my hair and held me.

"You liar. Tell the truth" he said yanking my hair down.

"I didn't. I swear Kyle. Let me go" I said pushing him off my.

I bolted up the stairs and into Corey and Devyn's room. I locked it and ran to the bed.

"Come out Y/N. We can talk us over" he said.

"There never will be another us Kyle" I yelled.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled.

I cried. I heard him walk away so I stood up. I peeked my head around the corner. The door rammed in and Kyle ran at me. He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed. He pressed my neck down as he choked me.

I knew the guys were around at Elton's house and luckily that wasn't far from where we lived. I ran done the street and got to the house. I banged on the door as loud as I could.

"Devyn what's up?" Elton asked as he opened the door.

"It's Y/N she's in danger" I said putting my hands on my knees.

"What do you mean she's in danger?" Sam asked running over to us.

"Babe what happend to your face?" Corey asked.

"Kyle... Kyle burst in through the door and he grabbed Y/N. I tried getting him off of her and he slapped me. She told me to come here. She's at that house with that physcopath" I said.

Corey grabbed me and we ran to the car. Everyone got in and we drove to the house.

"Kyle... Kyle.. l-let go of me" I stuttered as I was gasping for air.

"We can be together this way" he said putting force on my throat.

I heard running footsteps and someone grabbed Kyle off of me. I gasped for air as I sat up.

"Y/N" Devyn said running to me.

----------    30 minutes later.  --------

"Kyle Sheppard. I'm arresting you on stalking, rape, assault, GBH, and attempted murder. You do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be used as evidence in court. Do you understand?" One of the police officers asked.

"You'll regret your choice Y/N. I'm never gone. And you know that" Kyle shouted.

I held my throat and I cried. Sam ran over to me and hugged me. He kissed my head. Everyone was sat with me.

"I'm so sorry I dragged all of you into this. You don't deserve any of this. Kyle wasn't supposed to hurt any of you. Only me. Devyn, I'm so sorry" I said crying.

"You don't need to apologize at all. That physcopath is behind bars now. He can't get to us" Devyn said.

"Babe. You'll be ok. I'm gonna protect you forever now" Sam said.

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