24- Believe Me- Aaron

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"Babe this is my really good friend Hayley. Hayley this is my girlfriend Y/N. I hope you guys are alright with each other. I'm just gonna nip out to get Buddy from the vet. See you later" he said.

"See you Aaron" Hayley said, smiling.

"Bye babe" I said kissing him.

Me and Hayley just stood there. But she was looking at me as if she was judging me.

"What're you looking at?" I asked.

"I don't like you" she said folding her arms.

"News flash not a lot of people do, except for Aaron and my friends" I said smirking.

"Why does Aaron like you? He usually wouldn't go for a slag. Maybe his standards have dropped. Maybe he thought he'll try something cheap and then when I come he'd drop you to be with someone superior to you. I mean, I'm better. Of course I am. I don't show skin. I'm pretty. I actually am skinny. And I'm just better. So here's what you're gonna do. You'll break up with Aaron or I'll make your life hell. You got that slag?" She asked.

"You're evil. And Aaron will find out the truth when you leave" I spat at her.

"Good luck with him believing you. I've been friends with him for ages" she said.

The front door opened and Aaron walked in with Buddy.

"Hey babe. Your supposed friend here is a literal phycopath" I said, standing in front of Hayley.

"What the? What are you talking about?" He asked.

"She's been threatening me" I said.

"What are you talking about Y/N?" Hayley asked.

"Don't play fucking dumb. Aaron babe she's been telling me to break up with you but I love you and you love me right? Right? Baby you've got to believe me" I said.

"I don't know what to believe anymore" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"One day your making sense the next day your not. I can't read you Y/N" he said.

"Fine then. You can stay with me or you can have her" I said crying.

"Her. I believe her Y/N" Aaron said hugging Hayley.

"Bye Aaron. We're fucking finished" I said.

I slammed the front door and got to my car. I drove straight to Scotty.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" He asked engulfing me in a hug.

"I just broke up with Aaron. He sided with his friend rather than me. I don't need that" I said, sitting down.

"You don't deserve that" he said.

I hugged his for the rest of the night and then Liza said I could stay with her.

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