When You're Sick

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-Neon Katt

Ruby doesn't know what to do besides trying to give me video games and soup, she doesn't care if I'm sick and always gives you a kiss even if I am.

Weiss tends to scold you me being sick and she makes me soup and she cuddles with me when I have a fever, being my personal air conditioner. Even though she scolds me for being sick, she always hopes for me to get better and doesn't let anyone but her near me.

Blake is on the case, she'll take my temperature and feed me but she won't sleep in my bed, she will kiss me when I'm sleeping but that's it.

Yang feels bad that I can't go outside when I'm sick so she carries me around the school even though I protest against her actions she still does it and then at the end of the day she cuddles with me as a personal heater.

Pyrrha immediately recalls whatever she's learning in her classes to help me, she is a bit clumsy when it comes to it though but I don't mind it, I'm just happy she's helping me.

Nora believes the only way for her to cure me is kisses and hugs, she feeds me pancakes in bed and stays with me all day long.

Emerald gets very protective when I'm sick, constantly shooing Mercury away and Cinder no matter how mad they get. She tends to fix my pillows, get me anything I need, and much more.

Cinder ends up ordering Mercury and Emerald around to help me, not wanting to get sick herself but also thinking that they could take better care of me then she could—even though she wants to take care of me she wants me to be in perfect condition.

Raven's motherly instincts kick in almost immediately, which surprises me. She gets me soup and blankets and forces me to stay in bed until I'm 100% better.

Neon Katt
She has soft music playing as she cuddles me and buries me in blankets as she brings me various smoothies and other things of that sort.

Velvet worries about me constantly and sticks by my side the entire time, missing most of her classes just to take care of me and bring me whatever I ask her.

Coco would visit me in between classes and bring me little things to help such as food and water and blankets and whatever she thought would help before kissing my forehead and leaving.

Neo stayed with me and cuddled me and got me whatever I need although I always told her that her love would make it better, she would respond with cuddling further into me.

Penny researched as many ways to cure me as possible and she tried every single one until it worked. I was very grateful to Penny who just smiled and shrugged.

Winter would usually hire someone to take care of me but sometimes she feels bad and hates the idea of someone else taking care of me, so she ends up doing it herself. I usually end up with burnt soup.

Glynda is really smart, so she easily knew what would make me feel better. She did, however, constantly lecture me as she took care of me, going on and on about how she rarely ever gets sick.

Salem is not the best at care taking but she really does try. She refuses to leave my side until you feel better. She gets me whatever I ask for too.

Ilia is really caring. She hates seeing me sick, it always makes her worry, she wants to care for me at all times. She is sometimes just too much because she just wants to be there for me. But, I love all the attention she gives me.

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