Voicemail After Fighting (this is a chapter)

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-Neon Katt

After an argument, you storm off in tears and the female character — unable to reach you — leaves you a voicemail

"W-Where are you...? I didn't mean to say all of those things! I just...I'm so dumb! I've never done this before -- I have never actually been in a relationship before. I don't know what to do or how to act and...I'm so sorry for lashing out at you." I could hear Ruby sigh, "I don't know where you ran off to...I just...I hope you're safe and you'll come back soon."

A few minutes later, I received another voicemail from Ruby, "I love you."

"This is ridiculous, (Y/n), and I'm sorry. I have a short temper and I really don't know what came over me...I know that can be considered an idiotic excuse but there isn't more to it. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I know you aren't in your dorm right now...probably training at your old gym..." I could hear Weiss softly laugh before continuing, "I'm right, aren't I? Anyways, I hope you can forgive me...I don't want this argument to come in the way of us. I'm so sorry...I love you." I heard Weiss mumble at the end.

"I can be so, so dense sometimes, I know that...Ugh!" Blake loudly groaned, "I wish I wasn't so stupid! I don't want to lose you, (Y/n)...I don't know what I would do without you. Please, just tell me...is this it for us..?....I really don't want to lose you. Don't let this be the end of us...I love you so, so much."

"Babe, please...just, come back to my dorm. We can talk in person -- work through this. Just...tell me what I can do to fix this. I hope you come back soon. I don't like talking over the phone. I wanna speak to you face-to-face, just...come home, talk to me. I love you and I hope to see you soon."

"(Y/n), communication is key. If you come back then we can discuss what had happened. I know you need time and I'm willing to wait...I just don't like going to bed angry...or...without you."

"(Y/nnnnnnnnnn)! Pick up! We need to talk about all of this! C'mon....please....pick up! I need you. I know, I'm...I'm an idiot...I made a mistake! I did something I shouldn't have but...give me a second chance! I'll do anything for another chance...please..." Her voice cracked slightly as she let out an almost silent sob before the audio cut out completely.

"You can't just run away, (Y/n)! That's not how things work, our problems don't just go away because you decided to leave for the night." I heard Emerald sigh, "I shouldn't even be mad at you for that...it's my fault you left. Listen, I love you and I wish we could just get over this, talk about it...I'm sorry."

"Fuck....babe...I shouldn't have yelled at you like that...I shouldn't have yelled at you, at all! I just...have a bad temper and I know..that's a dumb 'excuse' but I can't help it. I get really mad at times and can't control it, I try...I really do but I can't help it. I'm so sorry, baby, I never wanted to hurt you! I swear!"

"Leaving..? I guess you've stolen my move, huh?" Raven coldly laughed before continuing, "I can tell you this, it doesn't fix things. It only makes them worse. I know from experience...you already know that...I ruined my relationship with my daughter because of it, don't let it ruin ours."

Neon Katt
I could hear Katt's fist slam down on a hard surface as she loudly groaned, "You shouldn't storm off like that! I didn't mean to hurt you...I'm sorry, (Y/n), I really am...But leaving is not the answer! It leaves things unsolved and...do you really want that? We're both tired, angry, and sad...running away doesn't solve any of that.."

"(Y/n), why aren't you picking up your phone? Please, tell me if you're okay! I need to know," I could hear Velvet sniffle, holding back tears as she spoke, "I don't know what I'd do without you...I love you so much...I don't want to fight like that ever again, it hurt...so, so much..." Velvet began to cry, loud sobs breaking up her sentences, "I-I need to go now...I l-love y-you."

"Where are you?! It could be dangerous out there! You're emotional and Grimm will stalk you because of that...or just some greedy bandits! That's it...I'm coming after you! Stay safe until then!"

I was walking up and down the sidewalk, pacing back and forth when I got a text from Neo, "I'm sorry for what happened. So, so sorry. I can't believe I just...blamed you that fast without any evidence. I should've thought everything over before coming to that very idiotic conclusion but I didn't. I was emotional and the rational side of myself just vanished...Anyways, I love you and I guess...I'll see you...tomorrow..?'

"Salutations, (Y/n)! I noticed that your stress levels were extremely high before leaving along with your sadness and anger and fatigue...you're clearly very emotional and I apologize for my part in making that happen but I simply could not help it. I didn't realize how my words would have affected you. I'm very sorry, (Y/n). I'll wait longer before contacting you again, I don't want to ruin your cool down time. I love you."

"Fighting happens, we need to build a bridge and get over it...it's that simple. I don't say this very often, and you'll notice that as our relationship continues...but, I'm sorry. My words were harsh and very cold, I take complete blame for our fight. My apologies, (Y/n)."

Glynda sighed before speaking, "It's not safe out there. You're alone...no weapon...Grimm surround this area, that's sad but it's a fact. I expect you to be home soon, we'll talk about all of this then. Problems between a married couple, such as ourselves, should not be handled over the phone. See you soon, hun."

"This is absolutely ridiculous! How dare you just walk out on me like that? We were having a conversation. Things like this happen between couples all the time, it's normal. Hiding your feelings and stomping off to some unknown location doesn't help anything," Salem then called out in a stern voice, "Emerald, Mercury, go fetch (Y/n)!"

"I didn't mean the things that I said...I was acting very immature and all my pent up aggression from earlier parts of the day just came out and I didn't mean to direct all of that onto you...I was just having a rough night and I'm so, so sorry. It was a mistake to say those things and I didn't mean any of them. You are my world, (Y/n), I would never mean to hurt you. I love you more than the world and I'm so, so sorry, love."

Is this what you guys want? Please tell meeeeeee :(

Also I liked Ilia's a lot tbh


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