starbucks / lams

80 5 7

john knocks on the door to alex's apartment.

he smiles as he enters, because, frankly, his friend of fourteen years never tidied this place up, and it was a fucking mess.

alex knows what he's thinking and grins sheepishly.

"coffee?" he asks.

"yes, please. it's so cold out there." john shivers.

alex's apartment is small and cramped, and john knows how much he's struggling, but every time he offers some money (as his family is too rich for his liking), he refuses and says something along the lines of 'i can manage by myself,' which they both know is a lie.

alexander's kettle was old when he bought it a year ago at a car boot sale when he first arrived in america. it's large, clunky, and makes so much noise you have to yell to be heard.

"so, alex," john calls loudly, "what does your wrist say?"

in a world where when you turn eighteen, the words your soulmate says when you first realise you're in love appear on your wrist, everyone was always excited for that milestone. john was the oldest of the two by three months; whereas alex had turned eighteen just yesterday. he had refused to tell his best friend what they were and demanded he'd come over and see in person.

alex laughs. "it just says wait."

his friend shakes his head. "and i thought mine was weird."

john hates the words on his wrist. he had avoided going to starbucks ever since simply because his soulmate is destined to say: welcome to starbucks; can i take your order? he would never admit it, but he has developed a small crush on alexander recently, and he didn't work in starbucks.

the kettle finishes boiling and alex grabs two coffee jars from the cupboard --decaf (which is john's favourite) and full caf (which is almost empty).

alex grins and doesn't even realise he says: "welcome to starbucks; can i take your order?"

john's eyes widen and mutters, "wait-"

yikes i saw this writing prompt this morning and i changed it a bit bcs i love those aus where john and alex were bffs in the caribbean and john moved away and all that shit but yeah here's a crappy au i finished writing at 9:10 in the morning sorry it's bad

stay safe

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