deserve / poem

38 2 4

you don't deserve me.
i'm so sorry.
i try to stop it but i can't and i hate it.

you deserve the whole world and more,
but i can't give you that and i'm sorry i can only give you a false sense of safety.

i'm a horrible person, i know.
i know it so well and it's driving me insane.
you don't deserve someone as terrible as me.
you deserve the stars.

i'm sorry you see a friend in me.
i'm sorry you see hope in me.
i'm sorry you see security
i'm sorry you see trust
i'm sorry you see a nice person.

because i'm not.

should i push you away or keep lying to you?
i don't know because you're my only friend and i'm thinking all this shit and i am so confused so please just leave because you don't deserve me.

you deserve so much more than me.

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