singing appreciation post

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psa: singing👏is👏not👏easy

i have been singing for over a year and a half now,, and sure,, it's speaking in an accent to a rhythm and it's easy if you're unloading the dishwasher and blasting quarter past midnight by bastille and no one else is listening,, but if you're doing it properly then holy mother of jesus

while singing,, you gotta constantly be remembering do to so many things:

-note placement (head voice, chest voice, break)
-emotion and expression on your face and in your voice
-not making any noise when you take a breath
-wHEN you need to take a breath and how long for; is it a yawny breath; a stomach breath; etc
-staying in time
-when you come in/blocking/actions
-soft vowels and hard consonants
-are you going to push that note or is it soft
-lifting the soft pallet
-singing outwards
-not letting the high notes go to the back of your throat
-mispronounce those vowels sweaty ;)
-taking a deep breath for a high note then just fLING it out there and hope your muscle memory works
-not tilting your head forward on a low note is somehow really difficult
-when you're singing in the break and you have to decide to do it in your chest voice or head voice in 0.3 seconds
-remembering to do chest voice stuff in your head voice if there's a high bit coming???
-some other shit i can't really remember

which is why singers are always exhausted!! there is so much we have to thing about constantly while singing for three minutes!! it sucks!!!!

but i love singing it's amazing even if my diaphragm is aching by the end of it

my favourite things to say is either: my diaphragm may be weak but my heart is weaker or the reason why i cry so much is because my diaphragm is stronger than my heart

singers are so under appreciated like oh they can hit some high notes that's cool oh sweaty u have no idea how much work goes into that

but also how your body works while singing is really fascinating and i'll happily share if anyone wants to know lmao

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