jealousy, longing. and rants / poem

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this is a bad ranty poem don't read it it's so bad i'm not even just saying that lmao

i know i complain to you a lot
and i know there is poison in my words
as i sigh and groan and laugh it off
and i know you are frustrated as you roll your eyes and tell me that you 'have five years more practice than me.'

and i keep telling myself that i shouldn't be jealous of you
because i am singing the best i've ever have been
but i think my resentment towards your voice is the thing powering it.

i don't want to be in your shadow.
i don't want to be the youngest sister.
i am sick of trying to be better than you and trying to be noticed by mum and dad and relatives and you.
i just want someone to compliment me once.
i want you to compliment me once.

and i know it's silly
it's petty
it's unneeded
but i am desperate to be better than you,
because you are perfect and good at everything and i am burning with rage i shouldn't even have because your singing and your writing and drawing and your unfailing kindness sets me alight with jealousy.

so i'm sorry i am so poisonous towards you.
i really don't mean to be.
i am just an insanely jealous person
and i hate it.

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