audition / rant

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at my theatre we're doing blood brothers right and we had auditions yesterday

and i'm known as the quiet one y'know because anxiety's a bitch

so i got up to audition for the role of mrs lyons or however you spell her name w/ my friend isla who went for mrs johnstone

and idk

all i can phrase it as is 'and the rest of the world falls away'

i just

went for it????

like my hands were shaking like mad and my script was like skdnjsjsn sba but i was yelling and i could just feel everyone sTARING at me ok

and i finish the audition and it's just


and the drama director lou

she's like


why can't you be like that

aLL the time????,,??????

and i say down next to the love of my life liberty and she was like tBAY WAS AMAZING WHAT

and my hands might as well been having a mini earthquake ya feel

so yeah that was great feeling quite proud of myself

tIME SKIP to ten pm when i'm getting ready for bed

and i'm just like

w h y did i do that tHAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING

like now everyone must think i'm a massive fucking Theatre Kid™ ugh i hate everything kinda vibe

so i snapchat my friend alice like fUCK WHAT DID I JUSY DO

and now i'm regretting all my life choices yikes

and what makes it eVEN BETTER is that i got a fucking callback or whatever

but i have to go against my friend sophie!!!!


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