modern hamilton au

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(ik this is so overdone holy shit but the regrettes or however u spell it's cover gave me an idea so uhh)

(wow yes i still like hamilton ik i never really write about it much anymore but it's all really overdone and u just read the same thing over and over again)

ok so it's a COLLEGE au not a UNI au, tho i think in america they call uni college idk

so basically the schuylers all go to college after yr 11 and they do the same music course which hammy is also on

and angie, liza, and pegs make their own band and angie's bass,, liza sings,, and peggy does the drums and they're Rock™ and basically riot grrl or whatever

and eliza sees hammy probs freestyle-ing and tryna impress the guys and gals and she's like o shit he's hot let's write a song about him *cue the helpless cover*

and ham sees the schuylers perform and he's like o shit she's hot and they spend more time together and i just,, really stan the idea of eliza's iconic blue dress with hammy's baseball jacket holy shit like u know the medieval babes from bill and ted??

angelica likes hammy too and she writes sad love songs about him which eliza makes fun of bcs they're sappy

peggy's a huge lesbian for maria who sings heavy metal and flirts with literally everyone and wears heels higher than alex's ego

johnny is doing an art course and stans hamliza bcs we should not erase hamliza from the narrative bcs before the affair and shit they were actually really cute and in love ok lams might not have even been a thing

i'm just really gay for the modern schuyler sisters oh w o w

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