breathe pt. 4

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this was the epilogue, where treebros did get together but connor tried to kill himself again and this time it worked

evan sits in his room, his hoodie zipped all the way up like connor's used to.

he's clutching that note.

and finally, he's sobbing.

but connor was right.

they never loved each other. not really.

they just desperately wanted to be wanted.

maybe things will be better now.

he breathes out slowly.

he remembers what connor said, that day they were laying together in the orchard, gazing at the stars:

"evan, i'll love you for forever, you know that?"

was that a lie?

was everything connor said to him -the 'love you's; the little notes, the goodbye kisses- were they all lies?

they were both caught in a lie.

a lie they called love.

evan repositions himself against the wall, his grip tightening on the letter.

he begins to wonder if he only saw the real connor murphy once.

that day he helped evan through an anxiety attack.

the day he realised that connor murphy wasn't actually that bad.

the day he told him something so simple, yet something he would never forget.


painted boy,
with trees on his skin,
uses the drums,
to fight anxiety and win.
skeleton kid,
with his eyes full of ghosts,
reveals lyrics that once hid,
but still thinks more than most.
mutant kids,
our hopes in our fists,
decide to stay alive
as our dying wish.

-whenvesselruled on tumblr

where's my mind / poetry, oneshots etc.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang