200th chapter special

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so as this is the last chapter of where's my mind, i wanted to do something for three of my bestest friends so:

izzy is friday nights in the city, neon lights distracting you from your thoughts. she is leaving rationality and fear behind and saying yes to unfamiliarity. she is wine at bars; careless grins; heels on the dance floor. red lipstick smudges onto straws and as you reapply it in the bathroom, you chat with another drunk girl and learn her life story. she is throwing yourself into everything; never doing anything without passion; lighters in back pockets; laughing the night away with friends. rooftops at three a.m, staying up late texting, a million thoughts breezing through minds. iced coffee in the summer; loving wholeheartedly; impulse decisions. never satisfied; always wanting to become more.

amee is lazy days at the beach, salt spray like stars in your hair. dogs racing across the sand and kicking it up in a golden shower. belonging; peace; an unwavering smile. they are ice cream on noses and the crack of opening a soda can. azures and violets blend seamlessly into a captivating haze as the sun glistens onto the waves. butterflies that nestle on your arms and sitting outside until eleven p.m, content in soft candlelight and laughter of friends. smiles between strangers passing on the street; helping others feel comfortable in their own skin; endless support; always giving away love but never giving themselves any.

lynn is grass tickling your toes as you in a meadow. she is calm rivers you dip your toes in and squeal at the cold and cling to your partner's shoulders, but you keep on paddling anyway, captivated by the silver shimmer of the sun on water and rainbow array of stones that brush on your feet. she is hot chocolate after a long day; tight hugs from loved ones; sitting by the fire in winter and watching the flames dance on the wood. petting rabbits; high heeled shoes on wooden floors; flushed dancer's faces. she is the way grass ripples in a strong wind and she is making wishes on dandelion fluff. hand slipped in hand; smiles of reassurance; two bodies pressed against each other. letting friends have some of your food when they ask; trying to help with other's problems; the shoulder to cry on; a helping hand; a familiar face at the party. heart bursting with love for everyone she meets.

so izzy, amee, and lynn have helped me through so so much!! they've given me their endless love and support and encouragement and skksk i love them all so much aaaa they're the bestest friends i could ever ask for they're all so sweet and deal with all my random shit and spelling errors

they've been with me since what i call my golden age of wattpad where i liked what i wrote and i became more confident and like,, actually kept on writing,,

((we've gone from breathe to froyo lads what a glo up))

so i just wanted to do something special for three people whom i adore jskdkd i love y'all gays sM

go give them some love if you haven't already bcs their writing is so good it makes me wEEP


amee: natureswallflower

lynn: -infinitea

so yea thanks for being such gs 💛💛

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