10 facts about me

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wowie so i've been getting new followers recently (goodness knows why) so i decided to do a lil fact file about me idk

1. my full name is jemima but u can call me jem, jay, jj or if ur izzy u can call me jemmy

2. i am pansexual and polyamorous, meaning i am attracted to all genders and i am open to consensual relationships with two or more other people

3. i am a cis female but don't really believe in gender so i use any pronouns, tho he/they are my faves

4. i am into theatre and performing arts! i love to sing (i'm an alto) and i am good at expression and emotion!

5. i live in the south west of england in a farming county, so i have a great accent e.g field = feud, wolf = woof  (i cannot talk lmao)

6. i am taking history, drama, german, and r.e for my gcses! i have loved history since forever and my favourite time periods are greeks, romans, victorians, and both the world wars

7. i am vegetarian! so, no, i have never eaten bacon or chicken or burgers and whatnot and i never want to

8. i am a frustrating combination of extroverted and socially anxious. i get so drained if i don't talk to people for long periods of time, but simultaneously don't want to talk to people in case i'm annoying lmaoo

9. my dream jobs would be an actress, a historian, a writer, a singing coach, art historian, or an anthropologist

10. ich liebe wirklich Deutschen, und ich kann mit Ihnen seit Stunden über Satz-Struktur und meine Lieblingswörter sprechen, weil das so interessant ist!

(i really love german and i can talk to you for hours about sentence structure and my favourite words because it's so interesting!)

i'm really not a very interesting person i just cry and eat onion rings :')

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