immortal / poem

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you can tell a poet
by the way their eyes
dart and only rest
to study your features.
by the way they sit,
hunched on the stone steps
eyes closed and breathing deeply.

take a second to
try to decipher
that writing
(if you can call it that)
that's scribbled on their hand.
that's a memory
a love
a loss
a war
a hope
soon to be washed
down the drain.

watch them as they look to the table
almost asleep
and watch their mouths move subtly.
that's art they are creating
with disjointed ideas and messy words.

as they tap their fingers on the table
you'll notice the dirt
buried deep in their nails
like the inspiration
they lost long ago.

look for
the way they tilt their heads as you talk
trying to remember each word you say
they are listening
more than the average person
and please
for the love of god
never fall for them.

falling for a poet
will be painful
they will paint you
heaven with their words
and tear it to the ground
block by block.

they say
never fall in love with a poet
because if you do
you will live forever.
never forgotten
immortalised in their words.

wow another shitty poem?? whAt a surprise

idk this idea came to me on the train

it's bad ik

i'm writing this in a face mask tho i feel very self care-y

thanks for reading this crap


i was typing the title and accidentally wrote porn instead of poem oops

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