baby it's cold outside / meggy

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"i love you, maria," peggy whispers into the ear of the girl sitting on her lap.

"i love you too, pegs," maria giggles, "but you know this is wrong."

"but it feels so right." peggy whines. "i don't mind going to hell for this."

maria smiles softly and shakes her head. "what time is it, love?" she asks, glancing at the glinting starts in the sky.

"half seven."

"oh, shit," maria mumbles and practically falls off of peggy's lap in her hurry. "i really can't stay."

"baby, it's cold outside!" peggy moans, grabbing her hand as she hurriedly puts on her coat.

"i've got to go away-"

"baby, it's cold outside!" she repeats.

"this evening has been so very nice."

"mar, let me hold your hands; they're just like ice!"

"my mother will start to worry-"

"beautiful, what's your hurry?"

"father will be pacing the floor!" maria insists. "i told him i'm at mr. reynolds' house-"

"just listen to that fireplace roar-"

"pegs, doll, i really gotta scurry-"

"please don't hurry! it's cold." peggy tugs at her (girl)friend's arm.

"ok, ok, maybe just a half a drink more..." maria shakes her head.

"put some records on while i pour." peggy smirks and kisses her hand.

maria swirls her wine. "the neighbours might think that mr. reynolds and i-"

"there's no cabs out there," peggy pouts.

maria squeezes her hand. "i wish i knew how to break this spell..." she whispers to herself."

"hey, doll, your eyes are like starlight," peggy murmurs.

i ought to say no, no, no-

"pegs, i really can't stay-"


"i know, i know, it's cold outside," maria chuckles, rubbing her forehead against peggy's. "but i really gotta go home."

"oh, baby, you'll freeze out there!"

"say, lend me your coat," maria smirks. "you've really been grand, but i really gotta get movin'."

peggy sighs. "please, stay. i'll miss you."

"there's bound to be a talk tomorrow," maria lulls. "at least there'll be plenty implied."

"think of my life long sorrow if you got pneumonia and died!" peggy says exasperatedly.

"i really can't stay." maria brushes her lips against peggy's.

"ah, but baby, it's-"

"-cold outside." maria opens the door, shivers slightly and gives peggy one last small kiss.

peggy pouts but waves goodbye, and reluctantly closes the door. "baby, it's cold outside." she whispers, already missing her maria.

this is so bad sorry guys but meggy gives me life so

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