aching / poem

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i think i'm in love.

with who?

a girl.

do you think she loves you?

i don't see how.

what do you mean?

i mean that she is soft and loving and forgiving. she is gentle and smiles and she has a renaissance painting wistfulness to her.

how does that mean she doesn't love you?

i am messy. i am scattered. i am broken and angry and i am constantly burning. i ache and i scream and i am not gentle. i am rough and sharp like broken glass. i do not see how she could love me.

how much do you love her?

she makes me forget how to breathe. she makes my lungs ache and she is like an italian summer's night.

maybe you about love her a little less. she sounds wonderful, though.

i do not know how to love any less than aching.

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