the temple of apollo / poem

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who goes there?
this is no place for a mortal.

and yet, she laughs as she races up the crumbling steps.

who goes there?
this is no place for a mortal.

and yet, she don't even shiver as the forest becomes cooler.

who goes there?
this is no place for a mortal.

and yet, she sets foot on the rich grass and smiles.

because what is a god, really?
a glorified human?

gods can break.
gods can hurt.
gods can die.

so look her in the eyes, apollo,
and accept that you are no better than she.

mortals can persevere.
mortals can heal.
mortals can love.

you think you are better,
and yet, you are so desperate fo a girl who doesn't love you that you force her to turn her into a tree?

don't be foolish, apollo.

mortals are greater than you shall ever be.

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