blood / poem

27 4 2

tw: emotional abuse, blood

you corner me into a dark place, full of echoes and drip, drip, dripping.

you're crying and smiling at the same time, and i am just standing there, emotionless.

i'm sorry, you say, as venom drips from your lips.

i can't breathe. a vine is wrapping itself around my chest and squeezing out every last thought about you.

you are reading me like a book, and you tilt your head, tears still pouring down your face like waterfalls, and that dead smile is still haunting your lips.

i love you, you whisper, caressing my face.

your fingers are skeleton claws and they cut me open, secrets tumbling out out of cheeks and forehead.

i love you so much, your lips are centimetres away from mine and blood and tears and poison mix together and

i scream.

blood warbles my voice and i am coughing and crying and you are still smiling and you are still crying as you watch me fall to my knees.

you watch until i am empty; a limp nothingness on the floor.

i love you, you breathe into my ear.

and i have no choice but to answer,

i love you, as blood drip, drip, drips from my chin.

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