strong as hell / dear evan hansen

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"happy international women's day!" alana announces proudly as she sits down at her friend's table, a strong, confident beam on her lips.

"you too, babe," zoe grinned and kissed her girlfriend.

"can you believe it's only been one-hundred years white home owners over thirty got the vote?" alana sighed.

"it sucks," evan agreed, "and, like, women in other countries still can't vote!"

"like, gee, you have a vagina, that means your opinion about how the country you live in is ran is invalid," jared rolled his eyes.

"men are stupid." zoe said.

"that, they are." alana agreed.

"and there's still a pay gap!" connor added. "why do you guys get paid less for doing the exact same job?"

"because maternity leave."

"you guys don't even want kids."

alana wrinkled her nose. "god, no. but we might. so we get paid less."

evan sighed. "the world really frustrates me sometimes. like, why can't we just click our fingers and everyone has equal rights?"

"because you can't click," jared muttered.

"i think changing the world is more important than clicking."

"but the important thing is, is that we've come very far." alana steered the group back on subject. "but we still have a very long way to go."

"but females are strong as hell." zoe grinned.

happy international women's day here's a short bad one shot thing idk

happy international women's day here's a short bad one shot thing idk

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