some hamilton shit in honour of me seeing it in less than a month

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angelica has never felt like this before.

most men bore her: they are monotonous and plain and want her for her money, but with alexander, there's something genuine about him.

he carries himself differently to the other men –he hasn't got that confident swagger, and she can see something in those constantly darting eyes that he feels out of place. and his face as angelica talks, like he sincerely agrees with what she's saying.

and she knows they've known each other for barely five minutes and she knows she's desperate, but maybe it could be love?

she is floating and twirling and gliding as they chat, hand in hand, weaving in and out of the candlelight. hamilton's eyes are glowing and burning with an energy she's never seen before.

and angelica is ecstatic.

the world is slowly burning around her and she squeezes hamilton's hand as if to say let's go, but she sees eliza's face in the crowd and comes crashing back down to earth.

angelica knows eliza, and eliza is a hopeless romantic. she falls for every man she sees in the city, but there's something different about her eyes. they're glowing and burning and angelica knows they're feeling exactly the same about alexander–

so she takes a deep breath, grits her teeth, smiles and says, "i have someone i'd like you to meet."

satisfied is such a sad song i'm emotional angelica is such an?? underrated character like she gave up a man she loved for her sister what an angel

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