hospital / kleinphy

66 5 15

"connor," jared breathes, his lover's name sticking like honey to his lips.

"yes, that's me," connor laughs through tears, "that's me, baby."

"where– where am i?"

"the hospital, baby." he whispers the word, treating it as if it were a broken butterfly's wing.


"let's not talk about that, just yet, love." connor hushes his boyfriend and gently laces his fingers through his. "how are you feeling?"

"i'm– i'm good," jared nods meekly, his voice barely a whisper; like a soft hum of a bumblebee in the spring. "but– my chest hurts, con. a lot."

his lover grimaces and he watches the rose-petal pink blush on his cheeks wilt to a deadened white.

"why– what's–" jared struggles to sit up, and connor gently places a hand on his stomach, causing him to wince.

"hush, don't fret, buttercup." he smiles half-heartedly.

"connor." jared demands, all dizzy confusion gone. "what happened?"

his boyfriend doesn't look him in the eye. "it's my fault you're here." he says quietly.

jared swears he can hear his heartbeat. "hey... don't– don't say that, baby. i'll try not to be mad."

connor still stares at the floor, still and breathing heavily. "i'm sorry," he whispers thickly.

he starts to panic, eyes widening and firming his grip on his love's hand. "connor. please."

"what do you remember?" connor asks finally, voice tight.

"n-nothing– i– about what? i remember being at school," jared's voice wavers uncertainly. "and– there was– cr-crying? and..." he trails off, eyeing his boyfriend. "why? what happened?" his words were high, tinted with alarm

connor turns to him, eyes redder than blood. he trembles like a leaf in a strong wind, and still tears pour like a waterfall.

"you took a bullet for me, jared."

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