idk what this even is / kleinphy

50 4 4

"connor, what the fuck are you doing?" jared screeched.

connor froze, turning to him, plastering a sickly sweet smile to his lips. "what do you mean?"

"i can't believe you." jared pinched the bridge of his nose.

"i haven't done anything–!" connor insisted.

"yes, you have!" jared argued, raising his voice. "i can't believe you– you– you did– that!" he waved his arms about.

"it's not wrong." connor pleaded, fumbling to clasp his boyfriend's hands.

"you're right. it's not wrong. it's despicable." jared spat.

"ja, please–"

"don't ja, please me!" jared shook his head, scowling. "i can't even look you in the eye right now."


"no, connor. leave me alone."

"are we still...?"

jared pursed his lips. "i don't think i can date someone who pours the milk before the cereal."

can you tell i'm extremely bored rn i have nothing to write kill me

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