Chapter 28: Sleepy Selfies

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****It's OFFICIALLY Summer (On May 31st)! WOOP! WOOP! You know what that means?! That means that I'm going to update more, when I'm not reading for my Summer English assignment! Woo! I hope you guys are excited!

Peace & Love -Cheyyyy****

Chapter 28: Sleepy Selfies

*Connor's POV*

Well, Keala and Cleo got tired after all the signing and talking to fans, so the guys decided that it'd be best if they took a nap.

I'm perfectly fine with that, 'cause I understand that feeling, when I was first at a meet-n-greet I nearly fell asleep talking to a fan!

And I wasn't going to disagree with Kian and Trevor deciding to nap with the girls, 'cause I know I would do the same with Erika.

After we led the girls to a place that looked nap worthy, we left.

I didn't plan on going back there, but after about 15 minutes after we had left them to nap I had realized I left my backstage pass, so if I were to walk around, I'd probably get kicked out for not having a pass like the rest of the guys.

You may be wondering, "Why?" I'd most likely get kicked out because the security guards aren't told who's allowed in and who's not, well not specifically anyways..

They are just told, "If they don't have a pass, kick them out."

Genius idea right?

I quickly ran backstage to where Treala and Kieo were napping, then slowed my pace.

Quietly making my way into the room, I slowly and quietly made my way around the room looking for my pass.

Once I found my pass, I relented the pictures Cleo had taken when we were asleep this morning, so I decided to get back at her and take sleepy selfies with both couples.

I smile crept across my face as I pulled up the camera app on my phone.

I bent down beside Kieo's couch and smiled as I took a selfie with them, then posted it to all my social media sites.

Then I walked over to Treala's couch and took a sleepy selfie with them as well, did you know Treala is adorable when they are asleep?

Well, in the famous words of Trevor Moran, "The more you know!"

So adorable!

Once I posted the Treala sleepy selfie onto all my social media, I left as quietly as I had walked into the room.

I left with a smile on my face, and not just any smile, one of those "Ching" smiles.


I walked down a few halls and finally made it back out to the fans and the rest of the group, minus Treala and Kieo, obviously.

Honestly, it was a little--no scratch that--A LOT weird being with the rest of the group, without those two couples..

It sseemed kind of awkward, even though they some what seemed distant from the group..

It felt like we were incomplete, missing that one little piece that made a big difference, whether I was there or not.

Right now I was planning the perfect date in my head.

Sometime this week it would happen..

Maybe on her favorite day of the week; Monday.. I'd ask her if she wanted to go on a drive or something..

Then we'd end up going to this beautiful park, we'd sit a top a green grassy hill under a little old oak tree..

Then I'd say I forgot something in the car and come back with a picnic basket with Starbucks in it and some of her favorite Whole Foods food, it'd be so nice.

I know I may be getting caught up in my thoughts, but if this goes well then I'll do the same thing when I decide to propose to her, whenever the time comes.

Then it'll be like the first date we have ever had..

I hope it makes her happy.

I finally stopped planning my perfect date, and realized I had a huge smile on my face.

A smile I only have whenever I'm with Erika..

I think it might sound crazy, but she's amazing, and I want her to meet my family, SOON.

Before times up, I NEED her to meet my family so they see how close we get as the years pass, as the months go by, as the seconds I spend with her become my lifetime.

Okay, Connor, focus.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?

You're supposed to be doing whatever you do on a break.

What do I usually do on a break?


Well I did that already, so, think.

What do you do when you finish eating?


Socalize with the fans!

'That's it!' I mumble without realizing it.

"What?" JC says as he looks over at me.

'What?' I ask.

"You just said something."

'No I didn't.'

"I heard you say something."

'If I said something it was probably irrelavent to the conversation..' I say trying to convice JC it was nothing.

"Hmmm.. Okay, I guess it was nothing.." JC says leaving the subject.

Once JC and I had finished our brief conversation,  I said, 'Guys, I'm going to talk and hang out with the fans, feel free to join me.'

And that is exactly what I did.

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