Day 42

12 1 0

26 January 2018

Friday 11:38 am

Olly and Sparky will be here soon; I've devised a plan to stop them from watching Harry Potter again; I hid the DVDs away where they won't be found. Hopefully, we can watch something different this time... I like Harry Potter, but their level of Potterhead is too much for me to handle sometimes. Oh... that's them now; how do I know? Olly is yelling at me to let him in, or he'll be forced to make me suffer the dire consequences... now he's yelling at me to stop ignoring him. I better go let him in.

5:30 pm

My plan... did not work... Olly and Sparky searched the whole house for them. Took them an hour, but they found them. We're getting dressed to head out now (because according to Olly, only commoners wear a pair of pants and a t-shirt out to an event), and when I pointed out that that's what he was wearing, he told me it was different because he at least looked like a high-class commoner. I thought that was funny, so I wanted to write it down while it was still fresh in my brain. Later!

11:57 pm

So... the fireworks were great! There were so many this year; I think the blues were my favourite... or maybe the reds... not sure. We got an awesome spot where there weren't too many people around, but the view of the fireworks was amazing; there was music being played in the background while they were set off. The smell of sulphur was really strong; it even seemed to overpower Olly's Black Opium perfume (which he practically bathes in). I'm not sure why but I love the smell of fireworks and sparklers. It feels so nostalgic; it always makes me think back to when I was younger. Every Australia Day and some other special occasions, we would crack out the sparklers and spend time outside playing with them and trying to make cool pictures with them. One time out on my uncle's property (before my dad and his brother had their big fight), we went down the back where the only light cast was by a torch my dad held and the moon. We stayed out in the back, lighting off fireworks and sparklers for hours until we ran out.

The feeling the smell of fireworks gives me is the same sensation people get from smelling flowers, smelling fresh pollen on a Lilly or a Carnation, whatever flower you like actually. It's like taking a deep breath and releasing all the stress from your body, and relaxing. The Sulfur smell relaxed my body while still exciting the rest of my mind, just knowing what was happening and the anxiety of the next explosion to come.

After the fireworks finished, we ended up going out to get something to eat. Kena stayed close by me and would only really converse with me; I think the others still freak her out with just the sheer volume of their voices and laughter. Our conversations usually change on the fly, so by the time she had caught up with what was going on in one conversation, it had already changed to another. Barbie 2.0 clung on to Nathan the whole night, pointing out 'how pretty the colours are' while he tried to have a halfway decent conversation with Olly and Stefan about... other stuff, I assume. While Kena and I spoke, she was quite excitedly talking about how fireworks are made. She told me that you make purple fireworks by placing potassium into the mixture... too which Sparky asked if she put a banana in would it do the same thing...

Sparky spent some of her time reminiscing over how the fireworks looked so similar to how her dog's dog house looked when she burnt it down after she tried to electrocute the wood. Lolly was trying to talk Sparky into hosting their own little firework show, to which Kena promptly replied: it is illegal to fire fireworks without a license. Sparky and Lolly both pouted and started whispering to themselves about the party pooper.

By the time we were heading home, Olly had said something that kinda shocked us... he had told Nathan Happy Birthday. Everyone other than Oliver, Stefan and Barbie 2.0 kinda starred in shock. How were we supposed to know it was his bloody birthday? Then Barbie-Face started degrading us for not knowing... kinda really wanted to punch her in the face at that moment. I mean... I guess it wouldn't have been the most awful birthday, right? Fireworks, food, friends... food... but to think he has to share his birthday with a holiday? Wow... I mean, look at the bright side, at least he will always know there will be fireworks going on somewhere on his birthday. Right? Bright side, get it? Fireworks? I'm sorry I should stop my silly jokes.

So next order of business! Kena and I swapped numbers, and while I was coming up with a name for her contact, and as a dedication to the conversation she and Sparky held earlier, I decided to give her the nickname Na-Na. You know, like Bananas? It also makes sense with her name cause, Kena, na-na? Yeah I'm so smart, I know hehe... I should really stop, shouldn't I?

Well anyway, it's getting late, so I'm gonna go to bed.

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