Day 89

10 1 0

14 March 2018

I know it's the middle of school, and usually I don't write at school because I don't want people to know I have my diary, I don't want them to read it, obviously but...something weird is happening. Something very wrong. Very, very wrong.

I was sitting down eating lunch with my friends when we heard the bell ring early, so we went to class. I went to my math class while everyone else went to their classes and when we were about 10 minutes into class, the lock down bell ran? I mean we've had idiots on the school grounds before, kids doing the wrong thing causing lock downs, we had a pair of bikers once drive around the school grounds, but...this is so different. Someone called the class room and told the teacher to tell us to be very very quiet. That it wasn't a drill and we needed to be careful. I feel like they may of said something else to Mr. Mathews though because...he had this strange look on his face. I don't know what though. I hope everyone else is alright.

Oh my god, there are people screaming outside.
I know it might be stupid to sit here writing but, it's keeping me calm right now. Some of the popular girls in the class are crying and some of the guys are trying to figure out what's going on. Some of them look scared.

Lydia's boyfriend Jacob, one of the guys looking out the window? He just said the word zombie.

That stupid right?  There's no way!

Is there?

People are fighting over what's happening. They're getting louder. What if it is zombies? It's stupid to think that would actually be possible but, what if?

I have to do something. There's no point in yelling at them to shut up, I'll just make it worse.

I know, I have to cut my hair. If it really is zombies... then if they brake in they will grab whatever they can. And hair is the most likely thing. Damn of course I wore the formal uniform today. Stupid impractical pencil skirt! I have to be able to run. Have to cut my skirt too...this is so stupid but I'm not taking chances on something like this being a prank...because if it's not...fuck that. WHY AM I STILL WRITING I HAVE TO ACT?!

If I make it back somewhere safe...I guess you'll find out hey diary? Wish me luck

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