Day 264

4 1 0

4 September 2018
Tuesday 12:42pm

We made it back to the motel a little earlier and Nate was right, the kids were fine and so was Liz, but so was I they had pretty much no food left and were running out of water. The gas station had a freezer with ice bags outside so we managed to fill our water bottles with water from what was left in there. Nate and I still haven't spoken about what happened at the gas station yet. We were stuck in the closet for 4 day straight. It's not awkward while we are around the others at least, we haven't been alone together since then but it's only been a day or two. I do wanna know if it meant more to him then just something to distract me and calm me down, well... calm me down about the kids I was pretty much flipping tables in my brain afterwards. I'm thinking a lot more rationally now but I'm still flipping those tables.

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