Day 381

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I may have jumped the gun with Olly, he may not hate me anymore; but he still doesn't particularly like me. I've been lying down in the boot of the car since we started driving again. I'm not exactly sure where we are going but, I think Nate might be heading towards the property out of instinct at this point. After all...we have nowhere else to go. Every time the car jumps on the road it sends vibrations though my body and it feels like utter hell. I'm really dizzy and it makes it a little harder to write but I will prevail, a little head trauma won't keep me down for long. Though in all seriousness I have never been in so much physical pain in my life. I would say this definitely beats heat stroke. They weren't able to stitch my head up or anything. We are using a piece of rag to just hold it over the spot. And hoping for the best that it heals. And that the bleeding stops. It's not so bad at the moment but when the rag is moved it starts to bleed again. It's almost like the rag is a part of my scalp now...that's weird. The hole in my head goes from just behind my left ear to just above my left temple according to Nate. I haven't bothered checking. It's a good 10cm long he said. I highly don't suggest getting hit with a sledge hammer in the head. In fact, don't get hit with one anywhere; it's not good for your health. Let me tell you that. The others were hurt as well during the fight. Oliver has a huge gash in his arm and Jess got stabbed in the hand. Nate has bruising all around his face too. None of us got out of there unscathed. Though I think I can claim victory this time over worst injury. Again...not sure if I should be excited over that.

Nate's pulling over to switch drivers. Talk later? If I live to see later, I might just let myself bleed to death at this point might be less painful.

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