Day 344

5 1 0

23 November 2018
Friday 7:32pm

Nate and I haven't had any time to just sit and talk with each other since we met back up with the group, not that it's a bad thing. Just it was nice to sit with him and just relax. The others were out doing things earlier and Nate and I were just sitting in the tent; these people basically though us and our stuff in. And just talked; it was nice. When I'm with him I don't feel like everything is weighing on my shoulders. It feels like I can just put all of the pressure down for a few minutes and just breathe. I feel alleviated. I love the feeling I get when he hugs me, it's just so warm. Not warm like the hot sun beating down on us as we walked but more like, if you were sitting under a tree and the sun was gently pouring through the branches onto you. That's the kind of feeling I get with him. Of course when those moments are over I have to pick all the stress back up and put it back on my shoulders again; but as long as I can get moments like these, were it is just us. I think I can handle all the stress that comes.

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