Day 197

7 1 0

30 June 2018
Saturday 2:10pm

It's raining again today, I like the sound it brings but it's making it a lot chillier. The wind rustling the trees is soothing and the rain drops on the back porch brings a reminiscent feeling to me. It smells heavily of eucalyptus and pine tree, on bright days the smell is there too but this moisture with the smell of the rain could lole me off to sleep at any moment. I'm in an old rocking chair out back under the veranda just watching the rain fall as I write. I could definitely forget the world has ended here. Well...if I stop thinking that I could then I would haha. Sounds like Nate is cutting up some more fire wood in the wood shack thing. I wonder why...there was plenty there the s'morning. Maybe he's doing it to help him think about something? If so I wonder what's wrong?

Recently I've noticed that I'm a little more awkward than usual. I mean I'm usually an awkward bean but like I had said it got to a point where it was just comfortable between us but now it's a little awkward and I'm pretty sure it's all me...I don't think Nate's even noticed which is kind of a relief because I'm not sure how I would explain that. It's totally gotta be because I accidentally saw him half naked. I'm so glad he didn't see me accidentally look, if he had of thought I was perving on him or something he probably would have left me for the dead to find. I just need to use eye bleach to wipe my mind's eye of that image of him and all the awkwardness will be gone! I just need to find some eye bleach, but do I really wanna wipe out that image...shit it's happening again I'm being...pervy. OH GOD IM GONNA TURN INTO OLIVER PRESCOTT! You know what they say young girls turn into women with traits off the five biggest male role models in their lives. Olly definitely takes up one of those positions. Dad, Grandfather, Olly...can't really count uncle Lemuel since he wasn't really around enough to be that much of an influence on me. Stefan doesn't hold much...of any influence over me so maybe Olly would then take up three spots. Yeah that sounds about right; his personality is so big it throws all other contenders out of the ring with a flip of its fabulousness. I wonder what he doing... probably shopping...he is totally raiding some stores somewhere right now looking for a cool battle gear outfit. I just know it.

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