Day 376

4 1 0

25 December 2018

Merry Christmas I guess? It's not very merry. I really don't wanna get up I'm in so much pain, but I don't have a choice. I'm expected in my uncles 'armoury' tent in 10 minutes. I just wanna go back to sleep. I'd like an Advil if we had any, but we don't have any pain killers now days. I better get up.

Same day

My uncle let me and Jess take the day off after some simple chores. Apparently it's meant to be a chrissy present since Jessica mentioned today was Christmas to her mum. I don't wanna make the guys do work on their own but it was almost impossible to walk around as if I didn't feel like my gut was imploding. Menzies use to be in the military so his kick had more than just a steal cap behind it. He isn't a small man either. He's tall and muscular. It will be almost impossible to get revenge; but not entirely impossible. I'll make sure it happens. There are many ways to take someone down. And you know what they say; the bigger they are the harder they fall. Like a tree. Menzies is just a big tree. As long as I have a big enough axe I can cut him down eventually. It's going to storm soon. I down know if they thought of that when they built the zom-nom pit. Eventually if it fills with enough water they will be able to climb out. Idiots. I'm gonna rest for a while my stomach hurts so bad I need to rest.

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