Day 385

5 1 0

3 January 2019

The car ran out of gas late last night, so we are taking a few days to rest before we have to start walking again. The others want to wait until I'm able to walk properly and we probably should but I would rather just keep going. We aren't far from the property now. A few minutes' drive but a few hours walk. We made it to Hilldale. There are a few houses in the area so the guys are going out to find one that we can rest in before we finish walking down to Martins Creek. That's where the property is. Jess is staying with me she's actually braiding my hair at the moment since its grown back so much. If we are going to walk the rest of the way I need to put it up to get it out of the way so I don't get grabbed...again. Now I know how Jess felt when she was pulled by the hair by that zom-nom. That shit hurts. I need to cut it again. I don't have anything to cut it with though so what I have will have to do.

Now that I can differentiate between where all the pain is and where the pain is just spreading to I think I may have broken some of my ribs; or at least fractured them. The bruising is one indicator and the fact that it hurts to breath is another. It could have been when I got kicked in the gut or when I fell into the pit with Menzies on top of me but either way, the pain is real. My head isn't bleeding anymore; but it's not exactly healing yet either. We have to keep removing the rag so it doesn't fuse to my head as it heals or anything because that would suck. I'm not looking forward to standing up, that's gonna be terrible I can just feel it.

I don't know what else to say life is painful at the moment. Jess just poked herself in the eye somehow. Bye!

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