Day 49

14 1 0

2 February 2018

Friday 5:23 pm

I was talking to Kena today, and it turns out she has Mrs Annekies science class on Fridays... who knew? Bet you can't guess what her lesson was on today? Oh, alright, I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Yes, it was on vaccination stuff again... apparently, Kena's class wasn't really as straightforward with their opinions compared to my class... maybe I should ask to change classes... anyway turns out Kena isn't vaccinated; she said that her mum wouldn't let her because when her mother was younger she got vaccinated and almost every time she was vaccinated for something she caught the virus from the injection. She got chicken pocks and some other stuff as well, and so she absolutely refuses to let her daughter and son get vaccinated because she doesn't want them to get sick as she did. That would also be how I found out Kena has a younger brother, Max.

I asked Kena what she thought about vaccinations, and she's pretty much on the same page as me. She sees all the good it can do and all the bad it can do. She also believes that there is no way in the world anyone will ever end the fight between vaccination and non-vaccination. Why is Mrs Anneike trying to stir the pot? I mean, aren't there enough troubles at school as it is? Isn't she worried that the students will go home and talk to their parents, and then the parents will come in, pointing fingers and causing problems of their own?

Hummm... I don't wanna talk about that sort of stuff anymore. I have enough on my plate as it is. Mr Mathews gave us extra homework tonight... I could literally cry right now. I thought Mr Mathews was cool!? Well, he is but... math homework is tiring; one of the girls complained about it in class, and he turned around and said;

There are 24 hours in a day.

24 HOURS IN A DAY? Are you for real, man? I thought you were supposed to be smart? You're a math teacher, for goodness' sake! Yes, there are 24 hours in a day, BUT WE DON'T GET 24 HOURS TO COMPLETE OUR HOMEWORK!

At our age, we are supposed to get between 9-10 hours of sleep; most of us are lucky to get 6 or 7.

So 7 from 24 leaves us with 17.

We spend 7 hours in class... oops we are down to 10hrs left.

Takes most of us a good hour or two in between getting to school and getting ready and then getting home afterwards, so now we are down to 8 hours.

So after school, some people have other things to do like sports or house choruses so 2 hours for that: 6 hours left.

Let's set aside an hour and a half for dinner and showers being a little generous there: 4 and half hours.

Now we have 4 classes in a day, and pretty much every day we get homework from each class, so let's say it takes 1 hour per subject: 30 minutes.

We have 30 minutes in a day where we can do whatever we like before we go to bed. What should I do with my 30 minutes? Read a book? Watch some TV? Clean my fish tank? Write in my diary? Or should I spend it doing the extra math homework you decided to give me today? Fucking Math. Well, it's obvious what I chose to do... yup I did my math homework in class once I finished the stupid test you gave us.

Okay yes... I'm being a little over dramatic but come on! Well, at least when I'm 70 I can turn to whatever grandkids I have (if I have any) and say, see! I did my math homework! I complained a lot, but I still did it. Now get off your lazy bums and do yours! haha.

Olly is hosting a movie night tomorrow, so that will be great for a little bit of r&r. Hopefully, it will be something scary! The last time we held one at my place, we watched the Grudge trilogy; it was awesome. Olly jumped during the first one and threw his popcorn all over Sparky! He's not the best with horror movies. Usually, when it's just the two of us watching them, he plays on his phone, but during movie night, there is a no-phone policy; we bought a little box that people usually put money in, and it comes with a key. So the next person holding the movie night takes the box home with them; when we walk in the door, we all put our phones in the box, and it gets locked and gets put out of the way; we obviously let people check their phones in between movies but not during the movie. We had to put this rule in place because Olly kept talking on the phone during the movies, so to make it fair, everyone puts their phone in the box. The movie gets chosen by everyone bringing a movie; the host picks out of those movies, and the host isn't allowed to suggest movies. If someone doesn't bring a movie, they pick from the host's collection. Sparky forgot her movie last time, so she went through my horror movie collection, Olly brought White Chicks, and I don't remember what the others brought... I don't usually pay attention to Stefan or Lolly's choices because the last time I remember Lolly bringing a movie, it was I Spit On Your Grave. Yeah, it's supposed to be scary, but there's also a lot of sex in it... that's why she chose it. And Stefan's choices are usually similar to hers... they really are a match made in heaven for each other. They get along so well because they are so alike; it's kinda cool, though; they've been dating for 3 years now, and I doubt they will be splitting up anytime soon. Yeah, they have their little spats like normal people, but usually, by the end of it, they're making out again; either way, as long as they're happy, by all means, be you guys.

Any-who I'm gonna have to say good night there diary because I have a fish who needs me and then I have to make dinner as well for mum and dad. So Nightnight!

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