Day 342

5 1 0

21 November 2018
Wednesday 4:32pm

I'm not sure how to feel about this. But... my uncle is still alive. Olly and Seb got caught up in something with some guys when they went out to get water. They ended up following them back to us. They made us get into cars that they had back over at the dam. We were taken to some sort of camp site about 20 minutes from us and when we got there, we were placed into some sort of quarantine room. My Uncle came over with some other people. When he saw me there he acted like I was his most favorite person in the world. He was hugging me tightly and kissing my hair, it was so weird. Sure we used to hug when I was younger but never this much. Though I guess he figured everyone from our family was dead, like I did. He let us all out after they checked us over for bites. The place is much bigger then what we are used to and there are so many people, considering. There aren't any walls or anything around the camp; it's just a big camping ground. I did notice some sound lines and traps though for the zom-noms on the way in. My uncle Lemuel is the person in charge here. And honestly I don't know how. He was never the type to be responsible for other people before, maybe he's changed since everything? A lot of us have changed; for better or for worse. Maybe he has changed for the better? Another thing? His girlfriend is also alive?! As soon as I saw her I went...oh a Barbie doll...seriously how the hell is she alive? Long blonde hair going down her back bright blue baby doll eyes. Sound like anyone we know? Skimpy little outfits adorned on this person. At least our resident Barbie chopped her hair off and put more appropriate clothing on her body for the occasion.

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