Day 386

4 1 0

4 January 2019

Walking sucks, walking sucks so bad. I never wanna stand up again. I'd try and go right and end up going left. Try to go left and I'd go right. Oliver and Nate pretty much had to drag my ass to the house they found. I'd say 'am I dying?' but I'm smart enough to know this won't kill me. I'm pretty fucked up at the moment but everything heals in time. I remember something in science about if you break a bone it comes back stronger...have I already written that before...I don't know. Shit keeps slipping from my mind every now and then. Forgot where I was the s'morning and it took me a good five minutes before I remembered. Think this has something to do with the head injury? Yeah I'm gonna put my cards there...I don't have cards. Should look for something to sow my head up...that's a good idea. I'll just call out to my lovely servants to come and save me again.

I'm good don't worry.

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