Day 58

12 1 0

11 February 2018

Sunday 8:52 pm

Not much happened today that I need to report my dear friend; dad got a promotion at work; he said the guy who used to have his job had to quit because he got really sick. So now dad is a manager of some sort, and he gets to leave work earlier now, which mum is also really happy about.

Oh, I just remembered! Mum and I went to the store to get some stuff for the house, and there were a few people acting... a little more than strange... one lady was in the fruit isle with her little girl, and some other lady came at her yelling how the lady's daughter had gotten her son sick and how there is a reason people aren't allowed to put their children into centres without vaccination; and how most children are taught by their age not to bite others and that she was an irresponsible mother who shouldn't even have children (which personally I think was a little too far, the kid only looks around 2 or 3. Kids bite all the time) Than the other lady started yelling at the boy's mother for being a bitch and stuff and by then both the kids were crying; the little boy was even tugging on his mum's shirt trying to get her attention. Security had to come and walk both women out of the store because they were making a big scene.

THAT was an experience, believe me. People get so riled up about things nowadays. I swear it's like they have nothing better to do. I'm pretty sure if the children bit each other at the centre, then it would have been sorted out there when it happened, wouldn't it? Why do they need to bring the rest of the shopping centre into their little dilemma?

Well, that's really all that happened today; like I said, not much. I'm gonna read for a bit before bed, I'm up to chapter 10 in Blood Song, and I'm hoping to finish it tonight. Okay, later!

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