Day 105

6 1 0

30 March 2018
Friday 1:30am

I made it back to the house last night there was one left in the house but I...locked it in a bed room. I got some medical supplies from the bathroom and headed towards the garage which had been locked when everything happened but I made sure to listen first before opening the door. There was nothing in there of course. So I went in and locked it again. And of course my first thought was...yay...another shed...with no windows...only bigger and stashed with food and water. I remembered Olly telling me about how they use to go camping when he was little before his dad got his big promotion and it was all stashed in a cupboard in there so I pulled out a chair to sit on. It was hard to take my shoe off... it hurt a lot. I've sprained my ankle before but...this really hurt... my whole ankle had gone purple and blue. A good hands width up my calf from my ankle was purple as well. Across my toes and down the sides of my ankle I'm not a doctor...but unless this just so happens to be a really, REALLY bad sprain...I think something is broken... don't quote me on it. I can still move just really, really hurts. I put some deep heat on it and bandaged it as well...but there's not much else I can do. *clap clap* great job Akela...great job.

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